Good thoughts about She’s Out of My League

I knew that I was going to see this movie when I first saw the preview, and learned about the basic premise.  Not just for the simple fact that it looked like it was going to be a funny flick, but that dorks like me would be able to somewhat relate to the premise, and if there’s one thing that makes a story enjoyable is some degree of realism.  She’s Out of My League was everything I had hoped for, and I can say without any hesitation that I loved it.  It’s not going to be winning any Oscars any time soon, but fuck that- I had a smile on my face all the way to the ending credits.

In short, it’s a story of dork meets smokeshow by chance, and despite the stigma that dorks don’t get together with smokeshows, both of them attempt to make it work, regardless of what everyone else thinks.

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