Why I don’t watch previews anymore

In short, frankly, I don’t want to have anything spoiled for me anymore.  In short, it appears that nobody knows how to put together a preview for anything anymore, without giving something crucial away.

Case in point, prior to watching the season 2.5 premiere of The Walking Dead, there was a brief preview montage of what to expect in the next 6-7 episodes.  In this montage of visuals, there was a clip of a gold sedan getting flipped over – this is obviously big, considering the pool of characters in which are capable of driving a motor vehicle is pretty limited to the core cast, meaning someone’s going to be getting seriously hurt.  Obviously, it’s absurd to think that nobody’s going to get hurt in a show about annihilation and survival, but knowing in advance that someone is going to get into a car wreck is something I’d rather not be told ahead of time.

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