Well, I guess I can watch the season opener now

I’m sick right now.  I rarely get sick.  I’m sick as a motherfucker right now, because people around me get sick because they’re weak and feeble, and their bodies can’t fight off sickness like mine can.  Furthermore, for whatever selfish reasons, these people still decide to show up to work and spread their plague, not realizing that it doesn’t take much to spread plague within an office environment; it’s about as easy to spread as likely as their kids did it at home, when they caught it at another easy place to spread it, like daycare.  Fuck people, stupid fucking idiots all around me.

I skipped trivia last night, because the symptoms were creeping in, and I thought I’d have some time to play some more ME3 instead, but I found myself shivering and miserable, and I ended up going to bed at eight fucking thirty, I felt so shitty.  At least three times I shivered myself to sleep, only to kick off the covers when the heat of fever made being covered unbearable.  I woke up several times to find the metaphorical frog in my throat that hurts like a bitch when I swallow.

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