The WWE needs to be careful now

Since the 1,000th episode of RAW, the WWE has gone and made RAW into a three-hour show now, up from the previous format of two hours.  Nowadays, three hours is just way too long to be watching wrestling, and I can’t help but think back to how I did on such a regular basis when I was in high school.  Clearly, this is one of those situations where I feel like I’m showing my age, and I already don’t feel like I have enough time in the days sometimes.  Also, I think the fact that wrestling often conflicts with baseball during the summer has something to do with it as well.

But anyway, the fact that RAW now demands its wrestlers and personnel to be present for a three-hour program, I can’t help but feel a little concern for the direction of the company.  Now I’m sure that the WWE will be fine, because unlike its former competition in WCW, they’re run by smart, competent people.  But the concern does have to do a lot with WCW, because with a three-hour show on Monday, and a two-hour on Friday, WWE is currently riding the same kind of blueprint that essentially ended up being the death of WCW.

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South Korea mops floor with Japan, 2-0; wins Olympic Bronze medal in men’s soccer

Third place has never felt so awesome.  Seriously, sometimes fighting for the bronze medal seems more prestigious than getting a silver, because in most versus Olympic events, silver is the consolation prize for being the guy who lost to the gold medalist.  Bronze medal events are the ultimate tests for redemption; the losers get no medals, and only in the act of winning can you earn your spot on the Olympic podium and walk away with a medal at all.

The fact that the Koreans beat Japan for the bronze medal is just icing on the cake.  The cherry on top.  Gravy.


Comparing women from obscure TV ads

Ever since I discovered the existence of Who Is That Hot Ad Girl, I’ve been able to fairly reliably track down most all of the random attractive women I see on television, who are schilling whatever they’re paid to schill in order to make ends meet on their ends. It’s easily one of my favorite sites, and it’s helped give me some idea of what I’ll be writing about today.

90% of the TV ads I see are typically while I’m running on the hamster wheel at the gym, or when I’m watching baseball. Pretty much everything else I watch is usually DVR’d, and I’m skipping through the commercials with relative ease. But in the cases of the gym and live baseball, I do not have that luxury, so I’m occasionally exposed to seeing commercials. But in some cases, like the particular ads I’ll point out, I couldn’t really care less of what is being advertised, because I’m too busy noticing the attractive women they have speaking on behalf of the services being advertised.

Despite the fact that I find all three of these women appealing, I can’t really say the reasons are that similar in each case. I guess what this boils down to do is that it’s a glimpse of what I find appealing to my aesthetics or how my mind kind of processes what I see in girls.

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This is for all the LoL Playerhaters

When Tryndamere gets fed too early
When nobody targets Caitlyn first
When everybody targets Rammus first
When your teammates don’t call MIAs
When nobody wants to be a tank
When Fizz hops harmlessly over your ult
When nobody buys any wards
When you die when a teammates hits a Teemo shroom
When your Brazilian teammate pings like crazy
When your Chinese teammate blames everyone else
When your jungling Shaco sucks
and theirs doesn’t.

You go QQ.

More entertaining than the O’s: Words With Friends

Taken at Baltimore’s Camden Yards.  The funny thing is that the score was still within reach (2-0, 5th inning) when I took this photo, but apparently this guy felt that a 2-0 score in the fifth was out of hand enough to the point where he would rather indulge himself in some Words With Friends action than watch the Baltimore Orioles.

Interestingly enough, this guy was at the game with just one girl.  He wasn’t a part of a larger group and was the one guy that didn’t like sports, which led to his fleeing to play Words With Friends, the guy was on a date or something, and instead of paying attention to the girl or paying attention to the event, he’s sitting there playing Words With Friends.

The only logical conclusion at this point is that she likes baseball and he is a pussy.  Chicks who dig sports are alright in my book, even if their preferred team is the Baltimore Orioles.

Gun updates

As far as cutting and sanding goes, I really don’t have much left.  After five straight days of working, I feel as if I’m in a pretty decent place, time-wise.

Come the weekend, I’ll delve into the world of mixing chemicals and slathering most of this shit in Shell Shock to harden up the materials, and then there will be many nights of more sanding and cleaning, before the time comes when painting happens.  I already foresee many many screws and lot of adhesive, which will ultimately be holding this gun together in the end.

By the way, this is what the final product is going to resemble, at least to the best of my ability.

I knew stuff like this was going to happen

In short: self-righteous man takes his fake agenda against Chic-Fil-A out on an innocent Chic-Fil-A employee, tapes himself making an ass out of himself, puts it on the internet, gets discovered, fired, owned.

What I didn’t really expect was the age of the guy doing this. I more expected younger, 20-30 somethings with no direction in their lives and even less independent thought to be the ones doing such sheep piling and public trolling, with hopes of becoming internet famous or something. Not some 40+ tooly douchebag, but in the end, what does it really matter?

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