Gun updates

As far as cutting and sanding goes, I really don’t have much left.  After five straight days of working, I feel as if I’m in a pretty decent place, time-wise.

Come the weekend, I’ll delve into the world of mixing chemicals and slathering most of this shit in Shell Shock to harden up the materials, and then there will be many nights of more sanding and cleaning, before the time comes when painting happens.  I already foresee many many screws and lot of adhesive, which will ultimately be holding this gun together in the end.

By the way, this is what the final product is going to resemble, at least to the best of my ability.

I knew stuff like this was going to happen

In short: self-righteous man takes his fake agenda against Chic-Fil-A out on an innocent Chic-Fil-A employee, tapes himself making an ass out of himself, puts it on the internet, gets discovered, fired, owned.

What I didn’t really expect was the age of the guy doing this. I more expected younger, 20-30 somethings with no direction in their lives and even less independent thought to be the ones doing such sheep piling and public trolling, with hopes of becoming internet famous or something. Not some 40+ tooly douchebag, but in the end, what does it really matter?

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