Comparing women from obscure TV ads

Ever since I discovered the existence of Who Is That Hot Ad Girl, I’ve been able to fairly reliably track down most all of the random attractive women I see on television, who are schilling whatever they’re paid to schill in order to make ends meet on their ends. It’s easily one of my favorite sites, and it’s helped give me some idea of what I’ll be writing about today.

90% of the TV ads I see are typically while I’m running on the hamster wheel at the gym, or when I’m watching baseball. Pretty much everything else I watch is usually DVR’d, and I’m skipping through the commercials with relative ease. But in the cases of the gym and live baseball, I do not have that luxury, so I’m occasionally exposed to seeing commercials. But in some cases, like the particular ads I’ll point out, I couldn’t really care less of what is being advertised, because I’m too busy noticing the attractive women they have speaking on behalf of the services being advertised.

Despite the fact that I find all three of these women appealing, I can’t really say the reasons are that similar in each case. I guess what this boils down to do is that it’s a glimpse of what I find appealing to my aesthetics or how my mind kind of processes what I see in girls.

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