One of those weighing-the-options moments

So I was sitting on a rocking horsey at a party recently, sipping on a Miller High Life.  I can’t say this line of thinking was a result of the aforementioned scenario, because I do know it’s been on my mind for a little while now.  I was people watching, and thinking about just how fascinating some people really can be, but also thinking that I don’t know any of these people.  How would I get to know these people?

Obviously, I’m not exactly the most socially graceful person on the planet, and I lack the charisma to be able to inject myself into others’ conversations and interactions without being completely paranoid that I’m coming off as a creep-o or feeling unwelcome.  So most of the times, I don’t make an effort at all, and probably give off the impression that I’m anti-social or ambivalent to others.

To get to the point, lately I’m feeling like my line of work is kind of socially inhibiting.  I look around at the people I know, and so many of them work for cool places, or at least, places where they can potentially meet like-minded people, relatable people, and people who might have even the potential to be cool and worth knowing aside from an at-work relationship.

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