Ironic double standards

I get accused of being a racist a lot, but to be perfectly honest, I deserve it.  I derive an immense amount of humor out of politically incorrect things, and I love to point out when things seem racist in my opinion.  I say a lot of politically incorrect things around those I have confidence around, but when the day is over, I’m not going to act on my racism, because that would be bigotry, and that, I do think is pretty wrong.

But today was an example of why I get the impression that I’m generally disliked by my fellow Koreans, in an ironic case of I guess, self-racism.  There are a lot of Koreans that work in my building in general.  I’ve made their smoking habits the subject of my observations of people, but for the most part, I have no ill-will towards them.  I don’t necessarily think it goes the other way though; the impression I get from these Korean people are about the same as I tend to get from most other Koreans who have immigrated to the United States; an overwhelming desire to stay away from me.

I’m a very observant person, if it’s not well known to those I know.  Whether I like to or not, I tend to recognize faces, recognize patterns and tendencies of people, whether I know them or not.  Especially with a building where everyone sees everyone on a long enough timeline, I’m fairly good at remembering little, inconsequential and unsubstantial details on a sporadic basis.

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