Happiness is Parks and Recreation

Not to sound like too typical of a pessimistic Debbie-downing wet blanket, but it’s not often that I’m actually “happy” happy.  Happiness is more or less pretty fleeting to me; things make me happy, but it’s like getting the star in Mario; it lasts for a little bit, but eventually fades away, and then I’m just in a place slightly above neutral.  Eating a really good meal makes me happy.  Having an invigorating and productive workout makes me happy.  Seeing someone actually get pulled over in the HOV lane makes me happy.  Bettering a Varus/Blitz duo played by douchebags makes me happy.  And so forth; none of these things are genuinely major events, but for what they’re worth they all make me happy.

Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I was genuinely happy-all-smiles-uncharacteristically-generous kind of happy for any prolonged period of time, but I’m not entirely sure that many people are generally disposed for that kind of behavior.

Anyway, I’ve found something that I can add to the list: Parks and Recreation.  In the past, I’ve seen a few fleeting episodes here and there, but mostly because people I know were already fans, and were trying to get me into it by playing a random episode late into the series.  It wasn’t bad, but not having seen the show from the start and having an understanding of the character dynamics, it wasn’t something I got into.  I didn’t hate it by any means, but until I took the time to sit down and watch from the start, I probably would never really like it.

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