Fung Wah 2.0?

Long story short: bus headed from Queens, New York to Doraville, Georgia overturns on I-95 in Virginia on account of unsafe speed and snowy conditions.  Four people are injured, driver is charged with reckless driving.

You know, before I even clicked on the link, I knew, I KNEW that this was going to be a story involving some Asians.  With every passing fact, the hunch was confirmed pretty quickly, and in spite of the unfortunate circumstances that there were some minor injuries, it has me snickering with intuitive satisfaction.

  • Bus was headed to Doraville, Georgia; Doraville is pretty much all Asians and Hispanics
  • Bus departed from Queens, which has a massively known Chinese population
  • And of course, driver of the bus is a Chinese man named Qilong Xiao

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NewEra caps aggravate me

After an overwhelming demand caused a delay on orders to be sent out, I received my long-awaited bacon cap over the weekend. When the mailman rang the door bell, I honestly felt like a kid on Christmas, knowing what would be waiting at the door step.

I was ecstatic to have finally gotten my bacon cap, and I couldn’t wait to add this to my collection of goofy minor league baseball caps. I had already had thoughts of putting it in my top three favorite caps, because come on, it’s a slice of bacon, on a NewEra cap.

I gave the bill a gentle bend, because I’m not a tool and I do not like the bill of my baseball caps to be completely flat, and immediately put it on my head. And that’s where the story takes a turn for the worst.

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Photos: Dom’s Birthday Game Night

My ongoing quest to figure out and capably shoot with a CHDK-hacked Canon point-and-shoot continued, and what better setting to try working shots than with a live gathering where people would be getting drunk and doing drunk things?

Needless to say, I’m pretty sure that if I were a person with a better grasp of photographic terminology to begin with, this might be easier, but I also think that the camera I’m using itself is pretty limiting. Even before I hacked it and added the CHDK firmware, I wasn’t happy with the quality of the pictures in even the most basic optimal settings to shoot.

It’s nice to have some photographic evidence of some of the shenanigans that went down with board games, impromptu pull-up contests, and Dom busting out some drunk-retard strength, but I can’t say that I’m thrilled with the quality of the pictures outright.  For some reason, the camera randomly went into fisheye perspectives or added toy-camera corner filters without my needing to set them in the first place.

I’m this close to scrapping the hope for a good point-and-shoot, and might just make my iPhone my “night camera” at Dragon*Con this year.

But until then, at least there are some photos to remember the night by.

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In HHH we trust

Because I’m such a know-it-all, I like to think that I’m one step ahead of the average wrestling fan; I know that doesn’t sound like anything to necessarily be proud of, but whatever I’m a wrestling fan and there’s no point in denying it. But that means I don’t necessarily root for the obvious things that the business is trying to steer the fans towards, and I like to think that I’m capable of seeing the things between the lines and being able to identify when there’s ironic truths hidden in scripted promos and storylines.

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Passing of an icon

We all know this photo – I call it “The Kiss,” although there’s all sorts of names for it, none of which seem to be official or not.  It’s an iconic image of celebration and victory.

For what it’s worth I like the photograph, because it invokes a lot of positive emotion for me.  Victory, celebration, joy, jubilation, and the romantic in me eats this kind of stuff up.  I like that there’s a gigantic statue of it out in San Diego, and I smirk approvingly whenever it’s paid homage to, but it’s not something I’ve really given a whole lot of thought to otherwise.

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It’s about time

This is to confirm that your recent purchase at the Lehigh Valley IronPigs Official Store (Order# redacted), has been shipped.

Your order is being shipped via U.S. Priority Mail with tracking number redacted.

The bacon cap is on its way.  Halle-fuckin’-llujah.  This is wonderful news going into the weekend that can only be sufficiently personified by Taylor Swift.

We’re #1!  We’re #1!

#1 in being the city where pimps make the most money per week, that is.  Go Atlanta!

Honestly, I can say that I’m kind of surprised and that I’m also not surprised by this revelation.  It’s not that surprising given all the evidence of there being a correlation between minorities and prostitution, and Atlanta being such a diverse place with a large wealth of minorities in and surrounding the city, it comes as no surprise that the prostitution rate is subsequently as high.

However, I do find it somewhat surprising, because as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen any evidence of prostitution with my very own eyes.  Now I don’t make a habit of deliberately driving down streets in the middle of the night or anything, but I am no stranger to night driving, through areas where prostitution might be prone to occurring.  Maybe it’s not like an 80s movie, where street walkers in leather skirts and leopard print boobie shirts are hanging out on well-lit sidewalks, but the way the articles mention a correlation between prostitution to there being three major interstates gives off a little implication that some spontaneous street propositioning might still be somewhat of a practice today.  Regardless, the bottom line is that I can’t say that I’ve seen any hookers in Atlanta, in spite of the evidence that apparently either a lot exist, or that they’re really expensive here.

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