I wonder what’s going to happen to ISIS on Archer?

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the situation in Iraq; how coincidentally after U.S. troops have been gradually withdrawn from the country, an Islamic extremist group has emerged and is taking over territories with threats that they’re going to take over Baghdad soon.  A real Charlie Wilson’s War kind of story, where American presence leaves, and shit hits the fan, or something like that.

Naturally, there are large contingents of people quickly blaming Obama for it, because it’s just so easy to blame Obama for everything wrong with the entire world much less the United States, but, if I may get political for one rare second, I don’t.  I don’t blame Obama, I don’t blame Republicans, nor do I blame Democrats or anything.  This is just one of those scenarios, where, and I help but feel that I can’t be the only one who feels this way, is to simply think “fuck Iraq, let them deal with their own bullshit.”

I mean seriously, it’s a country, a region that’s beyond trying to help, and I’m long past thinking that it shouldn’t be America’s responsibility to try and rehabilitate an entire country that simply does not want to be changed from what they are.  Changing them just garners more resentment and more resistance, and it escalates into more and more violence and death.

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Cost vs. labor exemplified

Funny story.  One of my colleagues is on a long vacation, leaving my team of slaves short one.  Naturally, when a team’s ranks are reduced, it’s to be expected that the remaining members pick up the slack to some capacity, which is fine and all, since that’s how a team operates.  Needless to say, my workload has grown a little bit on my co-worker’s absence, but I’m alright with that, because the same can be said about the other members of my team.

However, it’s the circumstances in which my workload’s increase has come about that has me a little perplexed, which is a nicely-worded way of saying “I do not agree with the way things are, and I shake my head when I think about it.”

Basically, a number of people I work with have been tasked with removing time stamps from well over 800 JPEGs.  Be it through using the clone stamp, healing brush, liquefy tool; whatever it takes to make sure that these images no longer have time stamps on them.  Subsequently, while they are off in Photoshop lala-land, I am the one who is getting the brunt of the actual, meaningful work overflow.  I’m confident enough to say that I’m probably the most qualified to be doing the work that matters, but my current workload is looking pretty gargantuan at the moment, which doesn’t exactly make me feel peace of mind.

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Oh, Georgia vol. 84

Long story short: A DeKalb County community, concerned with the seemingly increasing numbers of poisonous snake sightings in their neighborhood, has decided to authorize a plan of releasing numerous non-venomous snakes into the neighborhood.  The rationale is that artificially increasing the overall snake population in the neighborhood will create competition and ultimately drive copperheads away.

Long story shorter: Neighborhood plans to release a bunch of snakes into area where there are already a bunch of snakes.  Snakes everywhere now.

Thank the fuck god I don’t live in DeKalb County, and cross DeKalb County off of my list of potential future residences.  The last place on earth I’d ever want to live is in a community that uses snakes to combat a snake problem.

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Good enough to have fooled Vegas

Just when it seemed like I had nothing to write about today, the outlet known as “life” gave me something that might seem remotely interesting to at least one or two of my six readers.

I have a tendency to sit on cash sometimes.  Sometimes it’s because no reason other than I simply don’t want to take the time to go a bank or ATM to deposit it, other times it’s like a mental challenge; like if I can operate my regularly scheduled life without X dollars in my account, I can always fall back onto this cash as something of a safety net.

Regardless, I spent a little bit of money that warranted me deciding to put the cash back into my bank account to cover for some of the expenditures, grant a little bit of breathing room and give me a little bit of peace of mind.  So I went to an ATM to deposit the cash, and a hundred dollar bill kept getting spit out by the ATM.  I tried it three times, to no avail.  My skepticism was immediately piqued at that point, but there was also the remote possibility that it was ATM sensitivity.

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Musing about homes and living

Among the things that I’d like to do with my home, is replacing light bulb sockets.  It’s gotten to the point where I’ve theorized that not every single bulb manufactured is a dud, but that it’s got to be something wrong with my home itself to where light bulbs are constantly going out way too quickly.

The question then became, how did the bulb sockets become so crappy to where they chew up bulbs like a pickup truck guzzles unleaded?  Sure, there’s probably something to be said about the shortcuts used and shoddy craftsmanship gone into the construction of my house, but at the same time age has to be a factor in this equation as well; I’ve lived in this house for ten years now, so the sockets are probably all charred and cooked after a decade.

But then I had to repeat that last part to myself: I’ve lived in this house for ten years.

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League of Lobby, volume 4

No, I did not neglect to change out the character silhouette. It just so happened that another Lux player who went off the handle.

I knew this was eventually going to happen, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon, honestly. But in this edition of League of Lobby, the rager just so happened to be on the winning team, that I was thankful to be a part of, because I like to win, and it’s a safe bet that many of these won’t frequently come out of losing efforts, because regardless of the gg’s I may type, I’m usually disappointed after a loss, and wish not to engage people in the post-lobby.

Regardless, contextually, our team won on the strength of two AD carries, and TANKLU played by yours truly. We also had a Lux, who is about one of the easiest characters to use in an ARAM game, and a Zac player who was a little too timid to do his job and absorb punishment, in spite of his 4,000+ hit points. Regardless, we won the match, but our Lux didn’t take so kindly to some criticism in her direction in the midst of the game, like imploring her to not stand in Karthus’s defiled earth, or follow directly in the poison smoke of Singed.

Instead of trying to logically argue, or admit their shortcomings, they did the next most natural response: fight back with vitriol. And might I once again state, that we’re all on the winning team.

Welcome to the League of Lobby!

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If four-leaf clover luck actually existed

I’d probably be a very happy person, who is privileged to have lots and lots of good fortune.  These are all four (and a few five, and one six)-leaf clovers that I’ve found in my backyard since like March.  It’s safe to say that there are at least 150 of varying sizes in this pile, and plenty more that have been discovered and eaten by cats or the dog.

Needless to say, if four-leaf clovers actually granted good luck, I’d probably be a pretty happy person.

Unfortunately, things don’t necessarily work out that way.

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