Unnecessary demonstrations of status

For the most part, I’m okay with what I do for a living, and whom I do it for.  It’s nowhere near as cool as some of the things that my friends and acquaintances might be doing work for, but on the same token, I’ve got a degree of security and some particular perks that those same people might never have in their own respective careers.

But if there’s ever anything that lights an angry fire under my ass in an instant, is when people in a position of power attempt to make unnecessary changes to protocol for basically no other reason than that they want everyone underneath them on the organizational structure to know that they’re in a position of power.

The case in point that leads to this agitated rant is the fact that across the board is a supposed “updated” dress code that is going to become effective immediately as soon as it’s announced.  The new dress code, as it pertains to men, will be that we’re supposed to wear a dress shirt with tie; on a daily basis.

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