The summer vacation I never wanted

A part of me never really wanted to talk about this, but just the same, there are times where I feel that I brog, because I want to write about the things in my life that are important, even if they’re not necessarily the best of connotations.  It’s not so much that I’m brogging to my audience of six, for their inquiring or alleviation of boredom, but at the same time an opportunity for me to chronicle my own life, and write things that I can look back and reflect upon or remind myself of what had happened at particular points of my life.

It’s not always just League of Legends, wrestling, sports and veiled social commentary, y’know.

Long story short, I haven’t been working for the better part of the last month now.  I resigned from my previous job, which most people knew because they know me, or can probably figure out by the fact that I got Confederate Memorial Day off every year, was along the lines of government work.  Things were a little oppressive, and a little too Big Brother-y, there were some archaic policies and mindsets in play, and in the end, I grew exasperated with my position, and it was just best that we parted ways and wished each other well on our future endeavors.

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