Why isn’t counterfeiting enforced more?

Impetus: Known Chinese counterfeiter living a comfortable life in the United States; ostensibly living the American dream off of hocking knockoff products.

Not long ago, I watched a mockumentary on HBO, 7 Days in Hell, starring Andy Samberg and Jon Snow Kit Harrington, who played opposing tennis players who were locked into the ultimate stalemate at Wimbledon, that lasted for seven days.

Not giving anything away, because it’s really funny, and I would implore anyone who likes tacky comedy, the utilization of fake, CGI male genitalia as cheap laughs, and the use of cultural stereotypes to watch this one-shot deal, but there’s a part where Andy Samberg is in Swedish prison, and decides to escape one day, so he can return to professional tennis.  And through narration after Samberg successfully escapes, it’s explained that “by Swedish national law, successfully escaping makes him a free man.”

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