Disaster averted

Thanks to Alabama, the nightmare possibility of Clemson becoming national champions has been thwarted.  God, how miserable would the college football scene have become if Clemson were the reigning champions?

But in all seriousness, that was among one of the more exciting games that I’ve watched.  Although I was hoping for Alabama to roll Clemson like they rolled Michigan State, and just about everyone else in front of them en route to the playoffs, when the day is over, I’m simply glad that they won.  I’m not really an Alabama fan by any stretch of the imagination, especially since they’ve had their way with Virginia Tech in more recent history, but as a Tech fan, I loathe Clemson and their own successes against my team.  So when push comes to shove, I was decidedly rooting for Alabama last night, and pleased to have witnessed them emerge victorious against an extremely competent Clemson squad that could have just as easily won the game themselves.

Even if it means another year of hearing ROLL TIIIDE with heavy southern drawls.

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I’m sure The Hateful Eight is going to be a solid flick…

But I can’t not hear the similarities in sound between “Hateful Eight” and “Chick-Fil-A.” And when an idea like that permeates my brain, there is absolutely nothing in the world that can stop the need to illustrate what I think.

Sure, it’s shoddy and sucks (mostly) on account of me using the brush tool in Illustrator with a mouse, instead of a tablet, but it gets my point across. My favorite part of making a spoof logo of Chick-Fil-A, is finding out where and how to integrate the eyes, beak and comb into any letter that isn’t a C.

But here we have it, an illustration of what goes through my head whenever I repeatedly hear the title The Hateful Eight.

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I mean, what did you expect?*

*could easily have been titled “Oh, Atlanta #239”

Surprise of the century: community concerned that a rap video by a “red-hot Atlanta rapper” going by the name “Young Thug” is promoting violence.

Who would have imagined that a rapper going by the name of Young Thug** would produce a rap video that glorified violence?

**I’m pleasantly pleased to see that it’s actually spelled “Young” and not “Yung.”

Who would have imagined that said rap video by said rapper would depict such activities like, robbing a bank?

Who would have imagined that in said bank robbery, a security guard and “at least three hostages” would get shot?

Continue reading “I mean, what did you expect?*”

The lunch break conundrum

I have been put into a sour mood.  Twenty minutes into the official start of business, my manager calls me into his office.  I got chewed out, because I had left at 4:55 p.m.; a spineless, high-maintenance teammate needed* wanted to get in contact with me, and when he couldn’t get ahold of me on my office line, instead of calling my work cell phone, which he has done so in the past, he instead called my manager to inform him that I had apparently left unreasonably early.

*“need” would imply it was something important and essential, but rest assured this particular matter was not

I used the phrase “official start of business” in the preceding paragraph to emphasize the fact that despite more or less starting my workday getting chewed out, I had actually been in the office closer to forty minutes.  This is often times the case, that I arrive to the office earlier than 8:00 a.m., because I’m generally of the work ethic that “early is on time and on time is late,” and for whatever reasons, the county schools down here aren’t on any sort of schedule, so I like to leave early to compensate for the various times in which I might get stuck behind a school bus, so that I am not actually late.

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Close, but no cigar

Given how much I’d been musing about winning the lottery lately, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I went and got a few numbers for the-then $475 million dollar Powerball jackpot.  Sure, with odds of like 1 in 300 million, it’s tantamount to burning cash in hand, but at the same time, you’ll never hit home runs if you never step up to the plate.

Regardless, I found myself in a position to tune into WSB last night right before the 11 pm news, as foolhardy as putting my hopes and dreams into a lottery could be, hoping to see any numbers on any of the sets of numbers show up on little ping pong balls.

The winning numbers for Wednesday’s drawing were 2, 11, 47, 62 and 63 with the Powerball being 17.

Continue reading “Close, but no cigar”

It’s not that simple

TL;DR – Time columnist implores Game of Thrones fans to stop comparing the books to the television series

Easier said than done.

The one thing about this article that stands out the most to me is the hypothesis that despite how gracious the book snobs have been throughout the gradual progression of the show, there’s probably no way in hell that the show snobs will be as considerate when season 6 of GoT airs, especially in the age of social media and hashtagging everything.

Basically, the fate of Jon Snow, albeit fairly predictable, will be likely absolutely unavoidable to find out once the show begins airing.

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How cute

See what I did there??  Edit: I just ran 1.5 miles, and it’s 38F degrees outside.

Mark Zuckerberg wants to run 365 miles in 2016.

I’m pretty sure I’ve got sneakers that have seen more miles in shorter spans of time.

Granted, I’m not a father of a yellow fever baby, I didn’t invent theFacebook and I’m not a go-zillionaire, but it’s nice to see that Zuck has put himself in a position where pleebs like myself can feel superior.

Seriously, 365 miles in the span of 365 days?  That’s booty, son.

On average, I run like, nine miles a week.  Cold, or hot weather.  Rain inhibits my desire to run outdoors, but weather permitting, I’m usually hitting at the very least, six miles every single week.

Extrapolate this range, and I’m hitting nearly 465 miles a year, 100 better than Zuck’s pedestrian mark.

Continue reading “How cute”