It’s been a long time coming

The last time I overhauled my website in its entirety would have to have been back in like 2003 or 2004. Either way, it’s been a long, long time since there’s been any significant change over in my corner of the intertubes, but as of today, change has finally come. Considering my old website began to really be nothing more than a place to house my writings and photos, instead of the myriad of random nerdy content, it got to a point where I wanted to simplify things, mainly the wring aspect of it.

Throughout the last nine years, the process of posting grew more and more tedious, to the point where it actually began to affect whether or not I would take the time to write at all, which for someone like me, is unacceptable. I noticed how the number of posts I made each year from 2001 through 2009 dwindled a little bit more yearly, to where I began to make bad jokes about how posting became a monthly thing. I really do enjoy writing, but I’m also not a fan of wasted time, which I was growing to feel that the task of getting something posted was becoming to be.  So, to alleviate those woes, I’ve moved on, to a WordPress, to make writing and posting a lot simpler in coming days.

Things might look different, but there’s really not going to be a whole lot different than how things were before this change.  I’m still the same sports, video games, and zombie-loving hypocrite, with all the same personality hangups and tendency to write too more than what is necessary once I get going.

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