Brogging of the mundane

Burglary update

finally managed to get a hold of the Fulton County prosecutor aide in regards to the thugs that tried to rob my home back in October.  Honestly, given the lack of effort exerted by the county, I figured that I had heard the last of them after the initial arrest of the hoods.  I called every number and contact I was given, with no response.  In fact, I had to hound this person in order to respond to a letter they had sent to me.  Apparently wanted to let me know that their bond pleas have been denied a second time, and one more denial, and then they’re going to actual, court-court.  But it’s comforting to know that since their arrest back on October 27th, they’ve been in jail since.

Job update

Pros of the place I’m currently on assignment for:

  • Located in downtown, which means my commute doesn’t exceed 30 miles each way
  • Walking distance to a Starbucks
  • Highest hourly contract rate I’ve ever made
  • Is work

Cons of the place I’m currently on assignment for:

  • Located in downtown, which means that my commute utterly blows 100% of the time
  • No water cooler / not-tasting like shit water available
  • Mandatory business attire five days a week, with no casual Fridays even
  • Is boring as fuck work

Naturally, the pros outweigh the cons like Yokozuna vs. Juventud Guerrera, but typically most people would rather watch a Juvy match over a Yokozuna one on any given day.

Ranting about gas prices

When I was leaving the house, the gas station near my place read $3.45 a gallon.  I don’t know why, but gas prices have the ability to depress me easier than stories of people dying.  I don’t know why that is, and there’s really nothing that can be done about it, in this capitalist, greedy world we live in.  But it doesn’t change the fact that I simply dread driving my current, less-fuel-efficient-than-my-old car sometimes, because even the most necessary, sometimes tedious of errands means that I’m another gallon away from needing to visit the pump and drop another $43 to fill my tank.  $43 used to be enough to get a Piss1 game, and Taco Bell on the way home to play it.

I think what depresses me is the notion that I feel that greedy oil people are fervently pursuing one more million to pile on their existing billions, at the expense of others.  Gas prices are inherently a tangible number of how greedy someone, somewhere in the world is feeling, even if it’s literally crippling those who are struggling to make ends meet.  I knew a guy in high school who’s dad was an upper-VP executive for ExxonMobil.  Suffice to say, he had the Saleen Mustang, when other kids were driving Honda Civics and Chevy Cavaliers.  I camp out for Starrcade tickets, and still get way back seats on the floor, while he sits at the rail, despite not even liking wrestling, but going because it was the “in” thing at the time.  And so forth, and so forth.  I ask the question about a hundred times a year, but at what point does another million really matter?

The radio’s been playing all these sob-story commercial spots for BP, and the oil spill of last year.  About how generous BP is, in cleaning up the oil, and compensating all the people directly effected by the disaster.  And it’s obvious that it’s a PR ploy, these spots are, but the truth of the matter is, it’s probably working, and that’s pretty wrong.

In the wake of the disaster, what happened?  Gas prices went up.  At least that time, it was a tangible rationale, as all the crude being dumped into the gulf did in fact lead to less fuel being refined into fuel.  So basically, the public had to pay for BP’s fuckup, and I don’t get that.  If a Target worker knocked over a piece of dinnerware, the customer right next to them isn’t the one who pays for it.  If a McDonalds employee knocks over the rack with all the fries on it, and they all land on the floor, the price of fries doesn’t jump up to make up for the lost profits on the trashed fries.  It’s like oil is on their own set of rules, and no matter what happens in the world, in the end, it’s the common public that has to suffer the consequences.

Fuck BP, and fuck all these oil companies.  It’s times like these, I wish that shit in Revenge of the Nerds was a bit more attainable, with the production of their own fuel when the Nerds cut the fuel supply to the cool frat led by Jefferson D’arcy.

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