Subject says it all.  But seriously, what the fuck?  I just had jury duty not too long ago already, and now they want me back again?  What the hell gives?

Is there that much crime in the city that they have that they have already gone through every single person in the Fulton County pool?  Or is it that crooked of a system to where people repeatedly get reeled back in within just months?  At least give me a year or something, this is the third time I’ve gotten jury duty in the last six years, with the last two being within the last 12 months.

Seriously, there are a lot of other fucking retards without jobs out there that can sit in a courtroom and pretend like they’re making a difference, but instead, they drag me back in again, where I’m going to have to spend an entire fucking day sitting in a room full of irate people of all races, equally upset that they’ve been summoned in as well.  You’d think defendants would be against the idea of being judged by the peers that they’ve inconvenienced to where they wouldn’t commit so many stupid crimes.

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