Never happier to see a family get torn apart

I’ve developed this sensitivity towards the subject of squatters, mostly because I’m pretty sure that there are a number of scumbags in my own neighborhood that are living here by means of squatting, and they do nothing but further bring down my land value, and make it feel more and more impossible that I’ll ever see the light of day of ever recouping any money from my property.

Furthermore, it’s just such a terrible, detestable thing to do; it’s theft, lack of consideration for those who work which I guess also constitutes as theft in its own right, and a complete lack of respect which encompasses all of the below. And the crooked legal system we live in that protects squatters so fervently makes me wonder of just who’s side of the fence that it’s working for.

Regardless, the arrogance of one revealed notorious squatter led to her thinking she was invincible just a little too long, and after five, maybe more, months of rent-free squatting in homes that she had no business occupying with her five likely illegitimate kids, got her busted. Not just evicted from the home she was squatting in, but fucking arrested for fraud and other illegal, beyond the obvious charges. I have no empathy for her offspring who were carted off to whatever protective services, where they’ll probably eventually become future dregs to society, since it’s not like they were raised right in the first place, and the likelihood of them getting better doesn’t seem something favorable to bet on.

But I love it the same, to see justice being served here. I love seeing the squatting bitch being taken away in handcuffs, and I loved seeing hired muscle just throwing her shit out of the house. The only feelings of empathy that I have are for the owner of the home, that had to see just how poorly these lousy sacks of shit had trashed his property before they were all carted off. I doubt anyone’s going to compensate him for it because bitch be broke, or is about to be, in the first place.

Anyway, to see such a happy ending of this story, even though I don’t know any of the people involved in it, makes me feel like this:

It doesn’t happen that often, but man it’s nice to see some justice being served here.

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