My favorite Miss Fortune costumer

Anyone who’s played League of Legends with me probably knows that Miss Fortune is my favorite character. She was my first real main champion, and of all the normal Summoner’s Rift games I’ve played, 60% of my wins have probably come with Miss Fortune. I may dress up as Graves, but it’s because I’m not a curvy female capable of dressing up as Miss Fortune.

Anyway, over the last few years, I’ve had an opinion that in spite of the overall growing talent of the costuming community, I’d yet to see a particularly good Miss Fortune costumer (much like I stated the lack of any really good Ada Wongs). I’d seen a few here and there, but there would always be something about them that I wasn’t particularly too keen on. I’m a really, really picky analyst for some reason, I’m guessing it has to do with the detail-oriented nature of my day-to-day occupation, but when it comes to Miss Fortune costumers, I’ve typically always found a reason to glaze over many of the ones who have made the attempt to portray my favorite champion.

I came across this image recently, and I was kind of like whoa. Naturally, I did the stalker-y thing, and delved into the inevitable Facebook and DeviantArt profiles to see more pictures of this Miss Fortune. I’ll be honest, I’m not crazy about the overall size of her guns and the fact that she’s mostly incapable of holding them in any comfortable looking manner, but the costume as a whole, I’m kind of in love with.

She’s an attractive girl who made and wears the costume fairly decently, but most importantly, and not to sound too pervy, but isn’t too modest to alter the design of the costume to where it becomes boring. Miss Fortune’s character is all about charming pirates and scoundrels with her looks and sex appeal, and I don’t think it does the design any justice when girls too modest to portray her try and alter it excessively.

Or maybe it’s the power of one particular picture. I can look at other pictures, but it always goes back to this particular one. Ultimately, this is the picture that sells it for me. A little bit sexy, but aesthetically appeasing to my fandom as well as sensibility. The vibrant red hair, and I’m a sucker for women with large, doe-like eyes. She’s got a rack, and much like the character, she’s not afraid to flaunt it. And it’s cropped creatively to minimize just how obscenely over-scale the gun is.

As far as I’m concerned, this is my favorite Miss Fortune costumer out there. Naturally, she’s like down in South America somewhere and probably doesn’t speak a lick of English, so the chances of seeing and photographing her myself are pretty much nil. But whatever, I can appreciate what I think is a good costume regardless.

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