Humans need oxygen to breathe, too

Long story short: former Atlanta Hawk Josh Smith proclaims Atlanta Hawks fans to be bandwagoners.

The sky is also blue, water is also wet.  Tell us something nobody already knew, Josh!

Of course Atlanta Hawks fans are bandwagoners.  So are Atlanta Braves fans as well as Atlanta Falcons fans.  Damn near everyone in Atlanta who proclaims to like sports, only likes sports when their sports teams are doing well.

The Hawks are the best team in the Eastern conference right now, of course attendance is creeping upward, and there’s a sudden influx of Hawks fans.  Why shouldn’t there be, when there’s all this winning going on?

This isn’t to say that I’m defending the Hawks or criticizing Josh Smith by any means, I just think it’s funny that it’s supposedly news that Josh Smith is calling Atlantans bandwagoners, because it just seems kind of redundant.

I especially can’t blame Josh Smith for being a little bit salty, because he made his remarks after his new team, the Rockets, had just lost to the Hawks despite being up by a gajillion points earlier in the game.  Not to mention the above picture is the kind of attendance Josh Smith was used to seeing when he was on the Hawks, so he was just letting off some steam, and grasping at the low-hanging fruit after the loss.

But really, it’s most certainly nothing that everyone already wasn’t aware of.

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