Why is Ahri x D.Va a thing?

If I can sound like a bitter old man for a minute (again) here, naturally it was through social media in which I first saw fan art, then obnoxious cosplayers of this bastardization/hybridization between League of Legends’ Ahri and Overwatch’s D.Va.  Taking Ahri’s tails and slapping them onto D.Va’s body, taking the D.Va facial makeup markings and putting them onto Ahri, and all sorts of other combinations that blended the two characters together, and I’m sitting here thinking: whyyyy????

My knee-jerk cynical reaction is that it’s a bunch of nerds who want to really hammer home the notion that they are versed in both League and Overwatch, and they need to let people know that they’re so hip to both that they can acknowledge such strange abominable mash-ups.  And then cosplayers who are so attention-starved see something that’s trending and immediately start a rat race of who can do the first make-up test, who can finish the costume and wear it to a convention nobody knows of, and then who can do the first sexy-boudoir-lingerie photoshoot of it before jaded curmudgeons like me get wind of the whole thing.

My curiosity wishes to know why such a combination exists at all?  Both are undoubtedly popular and relevant characters in their respective properties, but why are they being shoe-horned together?  Naturally, my assumptions go towards one of the worst possible reasons: MICROAGGRESSIVE RACISMMMMM

Ahri is a character borne from Korean fairytale.  D.Va is a Korean.  THEY’RE KOREANS SO LETS MASH THEM TOGETHER ARR ROOK SAME PLS LIKE

But yeah, my thought is that this all started because both are Korean and some retard thought it would be “creative” and “unique” to combine the two, naturally not thinking that the logic wouldn’t be a little micro-offensive because the importance of farming likes on the internet.  And so we get D.Va suit ambiguous dark-haired girl with nine tails and pink face paint and fox ears who is now neither Ahri or D.Va and some genetically engineered artistic abomination because people on the internet are stupid.

Under this logic, I feel like I should just start combining characters from completely unrelated properties for no other reason than the colors of their skin:

Ken Masters x Johnny Cage, because they’re white guys from the US

Guile x Andy Bogard, more white guys

Lucian x Doom Fist, because they’re both black

Hanzo x Hanzo x Hanzo, because there’s no other Japanese name in the world

None of these would ever really take off because they’re not female and nothing farms attention like scantily-clad bitches, but mostly because they’re completely stupid and absurd mash-ups.  My point is that the principles behind something like Ahri x D.Va are obviously done in the name of fun and people trying to be cute, but could also be perceived as something of a microaggression.

Yeah I know how stupid it sounds that someone like me using such modern and seemingly made-up lingo like microaggressions, but I can’t really say I’ve felt like I’ve really comprehended or felt microoffended by anything before until I started seeing garbage like Ahri x D.Va. It’s almost as microoffensive as asking a Pakistani person in Nevada if they know a Pakistani guy in Connecticut solely because they’re both Pakistani.

Are people so starved for attention or notoriety that they become so dumb?

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