I am so sick of rain

Can we go back to having a drought again please?  Seriously, I don’t know what it’s been like in other parts of the country, but as far as Atlanta is concerned, it’s pretty much rained every single fucking weekend throughout the entire year.

I’m fairly certain the only weekend it didn’t rain was a week ago, and it was the single greatest weekend weather in history since it did not rain, it was unseasonably warm, and I actually went outside to jog for several miles.  And then the clouds came back and brought the rain and the temperatures plummeted again and here we stand back in colder temperatures with rain, rain and more god damn fucking rain.

We all understand the importance of rain, but can we talk about just how fucking miserable it can also be, when it just never seems to stop coming down?  Rain makes driving more difficult because all the pleebs think it’s liquid incompetence and they drive like morons.  Nobody really likes to get wet while clothed, and feel the need to bring god damn umbrellas everywhere. 

And all rain-related frustration is exacerbated for those who own dogs, as dogs require the need to periodically go outside to conduct their business, but then both dogs and owners must endure repeated trips outside where we all get wet and become miserable, and hate the world when we have to do it multiple times a day.

I think what this pointless little diatribe is really amounting to is the facts that I own dogs and I’m beyond sick and tired of all the fucking times I have to go outside with each of them so that they can pee and crap periodically, but then they get tired of it too and often times refuse to conduct their business in adequate manners or without resistance adding to the frustration.

The bottom line is all this fucking rain is getting old, and all I’m asking for is just a little bit of a reprieve to where I could go outside with my dogs and not come back in wet and pissed off to stinky wet dog smell.  I’m getting to the point where it’s becoming all too easy to understand the tragic suicide rates of the pacific northwest, and I’m curious to the correlation between those numbers overlapped with those who own dogs.  Because I’m getting ready to jump off a cliff from how many times I have to stand outside in the rain with the god damn dogs, and all I feel is frustration about the amount of rain, climate change, and all other weather-related bullshit.

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