It never fails to amaze me

I hate to talk about public restroom etiquette (again), but unordinary, and definitely unsavory habits are becoming so frequent that it’s become unavoidable.  What I believe is that civilized people over the age of like, 3-4 years old should pretty much know how to use a public restroom; it’s really not that difficult, and yet, people, specifically the ones that work in my office building, are completely incapable of adhering to them.

Now I’m sure every single male that works in a place of business with other people has plenty of stories that they have the decorum to not share with others about other men who notoriously flush before they use a urinal, and then do not flush afterward.  These people are both mental, and completely retar-actually, that would be a disservice to those people who are actually retarded, but are still capable of having the courtesy to flush the fucking toilet after they use it.  So people who do not flush the toilet after they pee are both mental and just plain stupid.

We live in modern America, and as long as we have working plumbing and modern sewage systems, every person should have the right to approach a toilet and have it be crystal clear water looking back at them.

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MARTA really is the stuff of nightmares

Typically, I don’t remember my dreams.  They’ve usually dissipated from my mind by the time I’m at the stage of my morning routine where I’m brushing my teeth, and I’m able to go on with my day as if they never happened.  So suffice to say, it’s somewhat notable (read: something to write about on a slow day) when I actually do manage to remember any of them.

Ironically, given my propensity to take shots at Atlanta’s public transit system, MARTA, it’s kind of fitting that for whatever horrendous reason it may be in my unconscious, I’ve had some recent negatively-connoted dreams where MARTA references were present.  In a way, it’s kind of funny, but at the same time I’d rather frankly not have MARTA on the mind when I’m sleeping; I’d rather be dreaming of like Taylor Swift or Karlie Kloss (or both).

But for the sake of the possibility of entertaining, and since I don’t often remember my dreams too often anyway, I figured I’d write about them.  Thinking back to them, they are kind of funny in sadistic or ironic ways.

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Oh Atlanta

I’m fairly certain that this isn’t the first time I’ve used this headline before. I’m too lazy to cross-check though, but the context is probably the same – shame. There’s also a high probability that if I have used it before, it too was probably related to one of Atlanta’s biggest embarrassments: MARTA.

Long story short: Due to the overwhelming problem of people urinating in MARTA elevators, MARTA will be wasting even more money to install “Urine Detection Devices” (UDDs) to attempt to deter people from peeing in the elevators.

Obviously, MARTA is one gigantic joke to the world, especially those of us that live in Atlanta, but honestly, I had no idea that this was even an issue. Being physically capable of using my legs, I have always utilized the stairs or the escalators, and I can honestly say that I’ve never once been inside of a MARTA elevator. But apparently, it’s among the worst experiences on the planet due to the fact that people have a tendency to use them as public urinals.

Thank goodness for physical competence.

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PSA: Even if you flush before you piss, FLUSH AFTER

This post helps if you imagine it being yelled to you by Bernie Mac (R.I.P.)

What is WRONG with you motherfuckers that can’t seem to grasp this idea?

I don’t understand men who think it’s perfectly adequate to flush the commode before or during their urination, and then walk away afterward, often times leaving a bowl full of piss behind them.  The fuck is wrong with you people?

Flush the fucking toilet after you use it.  It’s as simple as that.  It doesn’t matter if you flushed it before you used it, flush it again after you used it.  It’s not calculus, it’s not even fucking math.  It’s a simple concept of disposing of your waste for the sanitation and consideration of others.  I will never understand why there are people who can’t seem to grasp this very simple concept.

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Yes, it’s time for bathroom talk again

I don’t understand people who flush the urinal before they take a piss, but then do not flush the urinal afterward.

Not entirely, that is; it makes sense to me if the asshole prior to you left the urinal unflushed, and it’s disgusting to know that that asshole might be dehydrated or has a little too much iron in their system based on their bronze-colored urine, but I don’t understand people who flush a perfectly clean urinal before/while they piss, but then leave afterward without flushing it after they’re actually done pissing.

I’d say I don’t understand people who don’t flush urinals after they’ve pissed, but that can actually be answered by either laziness, negligence, or a hippie-like mentality to save water by being disgusting.  So it’s not really valid, because the people in question still actually flush the toilet, but choose to do so before the fact, and leave urinal in just as bad of a condition as those who don’t do it at all.

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Strange Bathroom Antics of Pre-Wash Piss Jew-Fro

There’s this guy on my floor that I occasionally see in the men’s room. Normally, such encounters are negligible, and certainly not worth posting about, but this guy, I find quite puzzling.  Obviously by the way he dresses and presents himself, and the fact that he doesn’t look that old, I have to assume he’s a college student, doing whatever college students are often doing in this building.  He also has a big, exaggerated Jew-fro, and wears goofy lily white Forrest Gump-like sneakers, and the combination of such an appearance kind of sticks.  He kind of looks like a thinner, younger version of the Jewish professor member of Team USA in Beerfest.

So in spite of such an identifiable appearance, the last thing a guy like him needs is idiocentric behavior that makes him arouse the suspicion of others, or maybe it’s just me, or maybe I just feel like I need to have something to write about in order to pass the time.  But as mentioned, I’ve seen him in the men’s room a few times, as it’s one of the few common places that one might randomly encounter others.

I’ll cut to the chase – this guy washes his hands first, and then proceeds to do his business.  Cue me tilting my head ever-so slightly, like a dog when it hears something piercing and unusual.  That’s fine and all, if he wants to have his hands nice and pristine before handling his junk, but on more than one instance, I’ve noticed that he doesn’t wash his hands afterward.  He may have the cleanest private parts on the face of the planet, but for the sake of social acceptance, at least pretend to wash your fucking hands after defecating, for god’s sake.

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Seen in Atlanta: Pull my finger

There’s something to be said about the culture of tagging in the world, but sometimes it’s funny to just see something kind of out of left field to get the mind wondering.  Here in Atlanta, the popular tags are a head in a ski-mask, Pac-Man ghosts smiling broadly, the word “DOSE,” and a bunch of indecipherable marks that pockmark bridges, billboards, walls, and other public or private property that are illegally being desecrated.  That being said, I can give some genuine appreciation to PULL MY FINGER, because there’s really no explanation needed.  Most everyone knows what the joke is, and it’s kind of refreshing to see something that requires no explanation being used as vandalism over the esoteric, kind of bullshit tags that are scattered around the rest of the city.  I mean, I like the Pac-Man ghosts as much as the next nerd does, but I have no fucking idea what the point of it is.

At least with pull my finger, there’s a modicum of sense being made, since it relates to fecal matter, and so many here in this fair city are full of shit, so there’s a connection there.