J.K. Rowling ripped off Castlevania II

MomoCon related: to all like two new visitors I may have of people looking for pictures of themselves, I’m currently in the midst of editing photos when I’m not writing about nonsensical stuff like this.  I didn’t take that many pictures at the convention, so check back later on this week, and they’ll all likely be up no later than week’s end.

Anyway, over the weekend, I found myself watching the tail end of Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince on television, and I had this amazing revelation, when Dumbledore was telling Harry the general idea of how Voldemort had immortalized himself by use of horcruxes.  And how all seven of them had to be located (and destroyed) so that Voldemort could be made mortal again, so that he could be vanquished once and for all.

Granted, I’ve seen the film before long before this past weekend, but I never thought about it until recently; but the revelation was that I had heard this exact plot before, and it was literally almost two full decades before Half-Blood Prince had even been released.  It’s basically the exact same concept as Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest.

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D*C 2014: Seems legit not

Picture progress notice: Picture processing is complete.  Rest of the weekend will be spent uploading them, and throughout next week, I will begin posting galleries.

A long time ago at a previous employer, I had a co-worker that told me the number one culprit on how to identify a fake Louis Vuitton item.  I’m not entirely sure how or why it stuck with me, but for whatever reason, it did.

Long story short, the apparent rule of the Louis Vuitton brand is that nowhere on any piece of Louis Vuitton merchandise, is the “LV” logo mark is NEVER cut off.  It cannot be cut off by an edge, a seam, or any sort of fold.  The LV logomark is 100% intact on 100% of the entire item, or else it’s probably counterfeit.

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lol Michael Pineda

Aside from my own baseball exploits, I typically don’t bother writing about baseball here, even if it is my own personal brog.  I have actual people in which I can blab about baseball with when I want to, so I don’t always feel the need to write about it anymore.

But for whatever reason, I felt compelled to write about Yankees pitcher Michael Pineda, who tonight was caught with pinetar smeared on his neck, and was subsequently ejected from the game.  Long story short, this is perceived as an act of cheating, because pinetar is sticky, and having pinetar on your fingers gives you superior grip of a baseball, and when you have superior pitch of a baseball, you can make it do extraordinary things when thrown.

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*Including rape, murder and infidelity

This Tiger Woods ad cracks me up.  It embodies one of the biggest fallacies in sport, acknowledges Tiger’s own scandalous and debaucherous history that people did not approve of, and then flicks it off, takes a steaming pile of shit on top of them, and says “yeah, fuck you.

As much as Nike wants you to believe it, winning does not take care of everything.  Just because Tiger Woods is good at hitting a small white ball great distances with a metal stick, and getting it to roll into a tiny hole with minimal swings does not take care of the fact that he’s a sex-addicted narcissist who ruined lives and his own marriage to indulge his sloth.  The same applies to Kobe Bryant, and that just because he scored 81 points and won another NBA championship does not rectify having raped a woman in Colorado.  The same applies to Ray Lewis, and that winning two Super Bowls does not absolve him of having stabbing a guy to death.

No, winning does not take care of all these things.  All it does is give the blatantly corrupt media machine something nice to say about an athlete to hide the fact that beneath their unsubstantial and unimportant sport-related achievements, they’re still worthless as human beings.

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I think I love this woman

Not just because Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo looks like total wifey material, but primarily for her actions, namely the one that has got her in the most childishly stupid of hot water. I can assume that most people have heard about it by now, but if you’ve been living under a rock, Mayer has pretty much told all Yahoo employees that working from home is no longer an option, and that they have to show up to work, or quit. Naturally, this has caused a monumental uproar from all of the Yahoo employees who abused the option to work from home, and they’re up in arms, and bringing everyone they can with them to fight the pointless fight.

I am unequivocally, 100% on Marissa Mayer’s side on this argument. The concept of “working from home” is one of the biggest crocks in the history of mankind, and there is absolutely nothing that could convince me that someone working from home, unsupervised and immersed in all of their worldly possessions and distractions, could actually be more productive than someone actually present in the workplace. I just don’t think it’s possible at all. I would really like to see each and every one of these Yahoo employees who are crying foul on this whole thing to try and prove otherwise, because already many have already fallen flat on their faces in attempting to do such.

Some of the biggest fail challenges are the people who claim that this completely screws up their parenting. That having to go to the office and do their job interferes with them being to stay home and well, not do their job, in favor of parenting, and all other job-irrelevant tasks and activities. Oh, I’m sorry Yahoo employee, that you have to GO to work and DO YOUR JOB. I guess you’ll have to be like all the other plebeians, and hire a babysitter or a nanny to care for your kids while you GO DO YOUR JOB.

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If everybody cheats, is it really sexy anymore?

It’s my opinion that today, we live in an era of antagonism.  There are people out there that take pride in being an asshole and make conscious efforts to make life more difficult for their fellow human beings, be it by deliberately being contrarian, intentionally acting in manners that makes a situation difficult for another, or to go on the internet with no purpose but to grief, troll, and pick fights and antagonize others, under the safe veil of anonymity.

I think we live in a time where overall positively-connotative morals are at an all-time low, and because it’s been like such for so long, there’s a manner of acceptance of it in lots of cases.  Some choose to laugh it off, others shake their heads at the state of our jaded society.  Personally, I think I do a little of both; sometimes it’s funny, but sometimes, I just feel like I have no faith in humanity.

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eHarmony for cheaters

When I first heard of what Ashley Madison was, I was admittedly a little abhorred.  Cheating and affairs have always had a negative connotation, and here was a site that was not only promoting cheating on your significant other, but rather glorifying it.

To no surprise, the general reaction from the media and other outlets wasn’t that much different from my own; FOX disallowing their television spots to air during the Super Bowl, even if they were willing to shell out the millions of dollars necessary for 20-30 seconds of air time; even the jock-iest of jocks talking about online, their general apprehension of their spouses/significant others hearing it and having that seed planted in their heads.  Accounts of those who have already heard/seen advertising, and re-telling of the awkward silences between them and their others as the idea pervaded their brains, never to leave again.

Morally, I think the idea of Ashley Madison is horrible, and wrong on so many levels.  Perhaps I’m a little sensitive to the idea of someone cheating on me, but to think there are sites and resources out there that not only facilitate the act, but glorify it, and try to justify it is just really, really wrong.  The worst part is that they’re a pretty frequent sponsor to the Howard Stern Sirius channels, meaning I’m subject to their radio spots pretty often.  But it says something, when Howard Stern himself, who has done personal advertisement readings for businesses from sex shops to car dealerships to CougarLife.com, hasn’t done one for Ashley Madison.

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