Photos: MomoCon 2015, Saturday

As is seemingly the norm when it comes to weekend conventions these days, more impressive costumes tend to emerge on the Saturday, and such was the case at MomoCon this year as well.

Again, I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as I know I’m capable of taking, but the fact of the matter is that frankly, there weren’t as many things I wanted to take pictures of as opposed to things I did. Perhaps I’m overly picky, or maybe my head wasn’t quite in the game this weekend, but these are all the pictures that I took on Saturday.

I went back to a more versatile 17-70 kit lens on this day, and ultimately, I feel that the results of some of the portrait shots are better. Ultimately, there’s still a galaxy-sized chasm room for improvement, but for what it’s worth, the space to operate in the GWCC and lots of natural lighting make it a preferable place for a novice like me to want to take pictures.

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Photos: MomoCon 2015, Friday

Without further ado, here are pictures I took from the Friday of this year’s MomoCon.

There aren’t a tremendous amount of pictures in general, because I’m a picky picture taker that gives favoritism towards friends, fandoms and nostalgia, and I have a tendency to pass over things I’ve seen before, unless I’m that enamored by them that much.

This particular day, I was using a wide-angle lens which is great at taking pictures at close range while still being able to get a wide expanse of view, but I’m an amateur that never practices, so the focusing on it was questionable sometimes.

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D*C 2014: Not as crowded?

I know it’s ludicrous to say such a thing, considering that at least at one point, every single person in the convention, myself included, uttered words along the lines of “it’s so goddamn crowded!” and that it was as a result miserably sweltering hot, and so forth.

Looking back at the weekend that once was, I actually think that this year’s D*C wasn’t as crowded as last year’s. Not to say I didn’t get agitated by my share of walls of sweaty humans from time to time, but the fact is, it sure seemed like I ran into a lot less of them than I have had in prior years.

Naturally, the worst crowds coincided with the never-timely release of panels or events, causing mass influxes of human traffic into the existing masses, but what it boils down to is that at least to me, it sure felt like there were far smaller numbers of said existing masses. What it boils down to is that it seemed like there were far less numbers of people simply milling around and hanging out, as opposed to people trying to get from point A to point B at any given time.

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Having neat summers

I’ve been in kind of a funk lately.  Not quite emo-y depression, but not necessarily cheerful and content with everything. I’m not excited about anything at all, and I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to do anything outside of my core daily activities.  This does not bode well, considering the numerous things that I wish to accomplish before the end of August, for when Dragon*Con rolls around again.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like my summers have become somewhat formulaic, which might be a logical root of some of this discontent.  Over the last few years, my summers have been dictated by baseball trips and Dragon*Con.  Now I’m not saying I don’t dislike either of those things any less this year, but I think there’s a part of me that thinks that perhaps I should seek out a break from the ordinary soon.

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Photos: MomoCon, day 2

So on the second day of MomoCon, I went back to the kit lens which would give me the vastly needed versatility in a con environment to take pictures with.  The results were somewhat better, and I didn’t have to scrap as many pictures as I did the day prior.

Regardless, more mostly League costumers, and other miscellaneous things that caught my eye, as well as some silliness with friends.

Still no Mafia Jinxes though. ☹

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Photos: MomoCon, day 1

Originally, I wasn’t necessarily intending on going to MomoCon on Friday, but as it turns out my work let out early, and already working close to Downtown, it seemed like a good idea to go see the sights and hang out, instead of sitting in the dawn of holiday traffic and go home and be bored.

It’s a good thing I did too, because it allowed me to get my experimental picture taking out of the way during the “early” time of costumers.  That being said, because I’m a nooby novice with my picture taking still, I actually had to unfortunately scrap a bunch of pictures, because they were too blurry, out of focus, horribly framed or all of the above, and I’d rather not post things that simply aren’t decent quality.

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Talking pictures, MomoCon and its future

This was my favorite picture that I took at MomoCon. It’s slightly out of focus, and the framing on it stinks because I was using a portrait lens and had to take like 15 steps back, and I hate making people wait for me to push the goddamn shutter as it is, so I admittedly rushed it.

However it’s still great because it’s the kind of picture that evokes a real response, in my opinion. I know I take way more pictures of girls than I do guys, and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m pretty selective and superficial when it comes to deciding on the things I want to take pictures of, but when the day is over, it’s pictures like Fiddlesticks versus a 6-year old Captain America that really makes me stop and smile at a picture that I took myself.

I could probably drag out a thousand word narrative like a low-rent Stephen King about everything that’s right about this picture, but I’ll just cut to the chase and say that I like this picture because I think it kind of captures the fun that conventions are supposed to be.

As far as picture taking goes, I do believe I have a lot of bad habits I need to break in the future, and that I probably need lots of reinforcement. Namely, I need to take my time. I have this inherent fear that I’m pissing people off if I’m taking too long to shoot a picture, and I know I rush when I feel like I’m inconveniencing someone. Frankly, if a person wants to diva up on me, then I probably wouldn’t want to take their picture anyway. There are way more talented people than me who might put up with it, but I won’t.

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