LeBlanc staff construction progress: 04

The next step in the construction of the LeBlanc staff was to coat it in Shell Shock. We here in Atlanta get the stuff at Engineer Guy, near the airport. In short, it’s a liquid plastic that can be applied onto a myriad of surfaces, and is durable enough that after it cures, it can be sanded and painted, while maintaining a hard and substantial integrity. Coating the LeBlanc staff would give it a little bit of heft, durability, and give it a better surface to paint on than just plain insulation foam.

Like a retard, I set myself up for a ton of extra work, by pre-assembling the staff in its entirety before Shell Shocking it. To be perfectly honest, this was the step that puzzled me the most, and when I did it, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but in the end, this sets me up for a lot of extra work that might be harder than all other alternative methods discussed, that I could have done. No matter, with everything assembled and adhered, there was nothing more I could do to go back, so it’s all or nothing from here.

My rationale is that if I apply the Shell Shock with paint brushes instead of slathering the goo on with popsicle sticks, I could smooth it out and apply it thinner and more refined, resulting in less clumping in the cracks, and do my best to make it look less messy. From what I’ve done in this update, it’s so far so good, but there’s still a lot more to do ahead of me, so who knows how much I’ll hate life as this process goes on.

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LeBlanc staff construction progress: 03

Instead of letting the project sit for a few weeks like I sometimes tend to do, I actually was pretty productive this weekend, and got right to work with the next step of the construction of the LeBlanc staff.

This is what I thought was going to be the hardest part of the entire construction, since I would be essentially slicing the shapes that took a good deal of work in the first place, right in half. Once halved, I inserted a metal hoop rod into the shapes, to put them into arrangement.

In my best efforts to be as thorough as possible in explaining my build, there will be pictures as well as descriptions, after the jump.

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LeBlanc staff construction progress: 02

In an attempt to try and be a somewhat contributing member of the internet when it comes to sharing knowledge, I’m going to make a conscious effort to chronicle the construction of this LeBlanc staff I’m making with some actual descriptions, instead of simply taking pictures and posting up a blurb like I had done with the Mafia Graves gun throughout the time before Dragon*Con last year.

“02,” you say?  Where’s “01?”  Although this is the first post I’ll have made about the staff, the first progress photo would have been this here.  This was the staff’s initial pieces cut out, and nothing more.  The above picture is the second progress picture, also with a reference shot so that anyone viewing might have an idea of what the heck I’m making.

As for the process, I’ll spare the gory details for after a jump.

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Is commitment the key to greatness?

Generally, when I think about myself and what I’m doing with my life, I like to think of myself as a pretty versatile person.  My interests are pretty varied, and I like to think that having versatility in my knowledge, talents and things I like to do is a good thing, and I still do think such holds to be true.

But at the same time, I don’t particularly think I’m necessarily the greatest at any one thing I do on a fairly regularly basis.  I work out every day, but I’m not massively muscular, chiseled or have unlimited stamina.  I play League of Legends on a fairly regular basis, but I’m not going really reach a level where I could become a professional or anything.  I make stuff for a living, but aside from the attempts to be humble about it, I know I’m not the greatest graphic designer on the planet.  I’m a pretty involved baseball fan, and still do a decent bit of baseball-related writing on a regular basis, but I’m not really going to get to a point where I could brog about baseball for a living, or make my own publications.

Long story short, I’m involved with several things, dabble in many, but I don’t necessarily think I’m truly great at anything in particular.  And sometimes I wonder if I want to be great at something, I need to fully commit to it, and give it my primary and majority attention and effort.

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Photos: Scarecrows in the Garden

The Atlanta Botanical Gardens does an exhibit around this time of year, where “professionals” and “non-professional” (read: companies and private parties) construct scarecrows, to be put on display throughout a large section of the gardens.  For the second year in a row, I helped out with construction of Jen’s company’s scarecrow, the Pintrest Pixie.

The event itself was kind of nice, and a little bit symbolic of the changing of the seasons, because it’s not dreadfully hot, the sun begins setting a lot quicker, but there’s still beer to drink, and lots of people to watch.

And for what it’s worth, I thought the quality of the other scarecrows wasn’t as mundane as some of them were last year.

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Mafia Graves gun complete. Ready for Dragon-Con now.

A little too close for comfort, but I am officially finished with the Mafia Graves gun, before the start of Dragon-Con.  In addition to learning about the wonders of Shell Shock, I have recently learned just how great stuff like WonderFlex is, as it’s what’s used as the gold trim accents to the gun’s wooden components.

But yeah, the gun’s officially finished, and for the most part, I am satisfied with this being my fairly novice foray into making a prop, with chemicals and pretty badass materials.  There are a few details omitted due to time and lack of foresight, but I’m not going to point any of ’em out to face scrutiny.  Maybe I’ll address them another time.

So with that done, I’m ready for Dragon-Con now.  Mafia Graves costume comes out on Saturday afternoon.  La Parka’s appearance is up in the air.

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Mafia Graves gun update: Into the zero hour

Dragon-Con is now a day away.  The good news is that in spite of all the delays, side-tracking, and assisting in Jen’s projects, I have every intention of getting the gun completely, 100% finished tomorrow evening.  While others will have already arrived and begin filing into the host hotels, I will have one last relaxing evening at home, where I can unveil the tape covering the wood panels, and apply the last gold accents.

As for the rest of this night, I will apply clear coats to the gun and prepare for finalization.  I need to stop going to bed at 1:00 a.m. on work nights, but it looks like tonight will not be any different.  Tomorrow, or rather today, will not be the same case hopefully.

I am very excited for this weekend.  I still have to pack, and make one good final run for room snacks and biiru.

In another minor topic, this post makes 34 on the month of August.  This is a new high for me for any individual month.  I also pat myself on the back for being a consistent brogger.  I think I’ll celebrate such achievement with a Four Loko this weekend.