Best Ada Wong costumer evar

I kinda feel lame and like I’m a teenage fanboy posting this, but I’m in a little bit of a writer’s funk lately, and I don’t like being in writer’s funks, so why the hell not?

This pretty lass goes by the name of sweet-little-world on her DA page, but more importantly is probably the best Ada Wong costumer I’ve seen.

I’m extremely picky when it comes to my assessment of what I think is good and what I think isn’t when it comes to costumes. Resident Evil 4 has been out for ages, and RE6 a little bit more recent, but the fact of the matter is that throughout all these years, I’d never actually really seen a single Ada Wong costumer that made me go “whoa” until I saw this one.

Not only does she do a bang-up job with The Red Dress from RE4, but she also does a pretty excellent execution of the RE6 Ada (although I would contest that the shirt is probably not velvet, but that’s a minor detail in the overall picture). But The Red Dress is obviously the more memorable of the two outfits, and I simply think that just about everything is right with it.

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I think I love this woman

Not just because Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo looks like total wifey material, but primarily for her actions, namely the one that has got her in the most childishly stupid of hot water. I can assume that most people have heard about it by now, but if you’ve been living under a rock, Mayer has pretty much told all Yahoo employees that working from home is no longer an option, and that they have to show up to work, or quit. Naturally, this has caused a monumental uproar from all of the Yahoo employees who abused the option to work from home, and they’re up in arms, and bringing everyone they can with them to fight the pointless fight.

I am unequivocally, 100% on Marissa Mayer’s side on this argument. The concept of “working from home” is one of the biggest crocks in the history of mankind, and there is absolutely nothing that could convince me that someone working from home, unsupervised and immersed in all of their worldly possessions and distractions, could actually be more productive than someone actually present in the workplace. I just don’t think it’s possible at all. I would really like to see each and every one of these Yahoo employees who are crying foul on this whole thing to try and prove otherwise, because already many have already fallen flat on their faces in attempting to do such.

Some of the biggest fail challenges are the people who claim that this completely screws up their parenting. That having to go to the office and do their job interferes with them being to stay home and well, not do their job, in favor of parenting, and all other job-irrelevant tasks and activities. Oh, I’m sorry Yahoo employee, that you have to GO to work and DO YOUR JOB. I guess you’ll have to be like all the other plebeians, and hire a babysitter or a nanny to care for your kids while you GO DO YOUR JOB.

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An obligatory Varentine’s Day post

I use the term “obligatory” because honestly I’m starting this post without my idea of what I’m going to write, but I feel like writing something anyways, so I’m taking a stab at it regardless.

I’m single, and I’ve been single for the better part of the last, shit, seven years. Since then, my life as it pertains to romantic pursuits has been as sporadic as locust swarms, and if that analogy’s too discreet, it’s to say that I have gotten very, very little activity over a long period of time. It’s impossible for me to say that there’s really anyone to blame for this drought but myself, as I’d be the first to admit that I have as much game as the Sega Saturn, to which if that analogy is too obscure, it’s to say that I’ve got very little game, period.

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Ranking the women of Resident Evil

I’d been tossing the idea for this post in my head for a little while, but I wanted to actually play through all of Resident Evil 6 before doing so. I don’t base my opinions on simply just appearance, although it does probably play a good part of it; but I also like to learn a little bit about the characters themselves, and see what kind of characters they are, and whether or not their personas, attitudes and actions are annoying or not.

That being said, I do fancy myself as a very well versed fan of the Resident Evil series in general. I’ve played just about every single one of the canon games, so I’d like to think I know what I’m talking about, but ultimately in the end, it’s still a personal opinion list, and of course, it’s objectifying women, but I don’t deny that I’ve been known to make some tasteless chauvinistic remarks before, so it’s not like it should be a surprise to anyone.

Anyway, without further ado, from worst to best, I rank the womens of Resident Evil. Also word of caution, I may give up some spoilers here and there if you, or I, am not careful with how I write this.

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Confessions of a grown-up cosplayer

Over the weekend, I unearthed this old Chu-Chu costume that I wore twice in 2000, thirteen years ago. God damn, that’s a long time ago, and I’m once again reminded of just how old I am now. Given it’s age, it’s still in pretty good condition, and could very easily still be worn today.

The scribbles on the ear of Chu-Chu are from the creator and the manga artist of Utena, Kunihiko Ikuhara and Chiho Saito, respectively. I do have a fond memory of the bemused looks of surprise and amusement on their faces when I plopped a gigantic papier mache head onto the table, and the recognition set in to what was actually right in front of them. Hey, at least it adhered to the strict policies that no bootleg merchandise was to be requested to be signed.

At one point, I loaned it out to someone else to wear at a convention, and my mom even wore it to work once for Halloween and won an at-work costume contest, which is the most success it has ever received.

Otherwise, when I think back to a lot of the memories associated with this costume, there really weren’t that many great memories to be had, to be perfectly honest.

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Hauntingly beautiful

I watched Sleeping Beauty on Netflix.  Not going to lie, the reason I watched it because I kind of crush on Emily Browning, and I heard she pretty much goes full frontal in this flick.  But anyway, it was about an hour and forty minutes of wtf, and frankly, I don’t think even the most transcendental hipsters would be able to put two and two together with this movie’s plot or direction.  As far as the basics goes with storytelling, Sleeping Beauty deviates from just about all of them, and they just keep moving as if everything’s already been explained when it hadn’t.

Convoluted story aside, I will give the movie that it’s one of the more visually beautiful movies I’ve seen.  I’m obviously no cinematographer, so I have no substantial weight to my opinion, but when I actually take notice of how beautifully shot everything is, then it just might have been well shot.  The framing and concise angles stood out to me a lot, likely a culprit because nothing story-wise was, but I still say it was beautifully shot.

But no more than the picture above; there’s something hauntingly beautiful about Emily Browning in this one particular scene where she decides to burn money.  To be perfectly honest, in spite of the classical beauty features she has, there’s something about her that objects to my personal aesthetic preferences; maybe it’s her eyes or something.  But in this two minute scene where she’s burning money with a reflective and amazed expression on her face, in the middle of the night, I find Emily Browning to be the prettiest girl in the world.

Desperately Seeking Shay

Whatcha reading?” she asked, coming down the lobby steps behind where I was sitting.

The voice was mostly unfamiliar, but I had an inkling of whom it could possibly be.  I looked up, and she was now in front of my table.  She smiled, and asked if anyone was sitting with me.  I said no.  She asked if I minded if she hung out for a little bit.  I smiled this time, and said by all means.  She sat down, drinking a strawberry daiquiri.  A waitress came by, and she ordered another.  I ordered another Bloody Mary.

We met briefly the night before.  Her table was next to mine during dinner.  She was in a party of three, with another couple.  When my table’s food arrived, both our tables got quiet, and all eyes were on the entrees brought out to us.  She glanced over and said to me that I should let her know how my entrée was.  I smirked and said will do.  In all honesty, despite thinking it was good initially, the more I think back to it, I didn’t really think it was all that great.  I ended up forfeiting half of it, because I was full on snack bar junk food, and the far superior seafood ceviche not too terribly long ago, and I simply didn’t want to finish this fish.

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