Feebly attempting to play catch up

It’s been a minute since I last took some time to write.  Long past the period of time where I begin to get anxious because I haven’t written anything in a while, and to a point where I start to get dangerously apathetic about doing it at all.  The problem, as I’ve alluded to numerous times is that I’m a peculiar personality that really likes to have so many conditions met before I find it possibly adequate time to write, and pretty much all month, they just haven’t been met.

Most obviously, the time factor.  It’s not like this is going to devolve into an angsty dad brog where I make all sorts of poorly veiled remarks about how hard parenting under my circumstances are, because frankly the girls haven’t really been much of an issue other than the fact that one or both of them seem to pick up some rando sickness every single month this year.  But they’re eating well, sleeping is improving, and those are the key things at this stage of life, and I can’t say that I’m having so many ragey emotions at how overworked I am on account of the difficulty of parenting.

No, it’s just that I haven’t have any adequate time to do any writing.  I get up, feed the girls breakfast, go to work; if I’m at the office, I actually get a good amount of shit done, and I get to hit the gym on most of those days which elevates my feeling of well-being.  Or if I’m working from home, my days kind of wrap up sooner, and regardless of which, I go right into the fires of the chaos of a toddler and infant until it’s dinner time, bath time and then bed time for them.

But by the time they’re down it’s usually 8 pm-ish, and if mythical wife and I haven’t eaten yet, then it’s a mad dash to get something to eat because we’re probably starving and we don’t want to cook and every food option is close to closing since we’re out in the burbs.

Then comes the nightly reset which somehow I’m the only person who does any of it, which takes about another hour or so of cleaning, straightening, cleaning and filling bottles and just getting everything ready to get used up and torn up the next day.

Sometimes I have work I need to catch up on, and on my work-from-home days, I mandate treadmill runs to compensate for not going to a gym, to which yes, is an activity that would classify as a me-activity, but I treat exercise like a job in itself, so often times I don’t want to run, which is exactly why it is that I have to.

And then the clock is at the point where I don’t feel like I have adequate time to write something before I need to get to bed so that I’m not completely dead the following day.  I get angsty about this, and instead of starting and stopping something in text, I usually just end up playing Fire Emblem Heroes on my phone or doing surveys or waiting for the next day’s Wordle to queue up before going to bed feeling like I’ve accomplished nothing for myself.

But TL;DR, I’m finally at a point where I feel the compulsion to write about something, but also feeling like that because I haven’t written anything in so long that this pile of word vomit needed to be stated first before I can actually get to the gradually growing list of topics and things that I’ve earmarked as having to want to write about, and hope I can mentally get back into the right places to where I can.

Otherwise, kids are good, job is going fine, my health has been a bit wonky since I hit 40, and I’m sure I’ll delve into it more in depth if/when things straighten up, but I’m still able to workout and run.  It’s just the same old song and dance, with probably less angst than when my second kid was younger and still working out her sleep issues.  Went to Savannah for a brief spell, for a wedding of a former co-worker, which was quite pleasant, so that’s where the image above comes from, where I sacrificed sleeping in when I could, because I really wanted to jog along River Street while we were staying right on it.  Priorities.

In memorandum: The resistance

For years, I resisted in signing up for a LiveJournal account.  I don’t really know why, other than the fact that so many people I already knew were already there.  I didn’t necessarily think it was a bad thing, but for some reason, I resisted in joining something everyone else had joined.  Eventually, I did join, and to no surprise, it wasn’t the end of the world.  It was a pretty good way of keeping in touch with some people.

For years, I resisted in signing up for a MySpace account.  I don’t really know why, other than the fact that so many people I already knew already had their own.  I didn’t necessarily think it was a bad thing, but I disliked how commercial, how ad-ridden, and how plagued it was with shitty musicians, spam-bots soliciting shitty webcam sex girls, but a lot of my friends were there.  Eventually I did join, and to no surprise, it wasn’t the end of the world.  It wasn’t as good of a means of keeping in track of people, but it did serve its purpose somewhat; the last time I heard from MySpace, someone named Jose had simply assumed my account, despite the fact that it was free for anyone to get their own.  Good riddance?

As of this past weekend, I broke down the latest resistance and signed up for a Facebook account.  And to no surprise, it’s not the end of the world.

Continue reading “In memorandum: The resistance”

It’s been a long time coming

The last time I overhauled my website in its entirety would have to have been back in like 2003 or 2004. Either way, it’s been a long, long time since there’s been any significant change over in my corner of the intertubes, but as of today, change has finally come. Considering my old website began to really be nothing more than a place to house my writings and photos, instead of the myriad of random nerdy content, it got to a point where I wanted to simplify things, mainly the wring aspect of it.

Throughout the last nine years, the process of posting grew more and more tedious, to the point where it actually began to affect whether or not I would take the time to write at all, which for someone like me, is unacceptable. I noticed how the number of posts I made each year from 2001 through 2009 dwindled a little bit more yearly, to where I began to make bad jokes about how posting became a monthly thing. I really do enjoy writing, but I’m also not a fan of wasted time, which I was growing to feel that the task of getting something posted was becoming to be.  So, to alleviate those woes, I’ve moved on, to a WordPress, to make writing and posting a lot simpler in coming days.

Things might look different, but there’s really not going to be a whole lot different than how things were before this change.  I’m still the same sports, video games, and zombie-loving hypocrite, with all the same personality hangups and tendency to write too more than what is necessary once I get going.