Snowpocalyptic musings

As it seems to be the case every three to five years in Atlanta, snow has befallen our fine city.  As it seems to be the case every time it happens, the entire city is in utter chaos; as the city and the state are ill-equipped when it comes to snow removal equipment, the roads often go unsalted and unplowed, and as the temperatures dip, everything freezes solid, and it’s safe to say that for the next day or three, it will be a very, very bad idea to get in a car and attempt to drive anywhere.  The irony in this statement is the fact that it’s literally two inches of snow that’s causing all this mayhem, because the city and state are completely incapable of clearing it from the roads.

The last time Snowpocalypse hit Atlanta, I ended up missing an entire week of work, which at the time was most definitely not a good thing, because I was still doing freelance work, therefore not being at work meant that I was not getting paid.  However, this time around, the circumstances are different, and I’m not terribly penalized by Mother Nature’s horseman.

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Time to cease believing in karma

I had a bad day yesterday.  The irony in that statement is the fact that the day was neither good nor bad until I decided to go do a good deed, only for just about everything about it to blow up in my face and effectively make me feel that the day was now a bad one.

Seriously, from a supposedly “shouldn’t take too long” task ending up taking close to two hours of my life I’ll always feel to have been permanently wasted, which then put me into the perfect time frame to be in teeth of Atlanta’s perpetually idiotic Interstate 20-related traffic nightmare, all while it was raining; can we cut it out with the fucking rain, world?  I think we get the point that global warming or whatever weather-related scientific downfall was all our fault, and that we’re subject to spontaneous shit weather, but enough of the rain.

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Photos: Ring of Honor TV Tapings

These pictures are actually over a week old at this point, but due to the shitty natures of internet going down at my house, as well as the eternal struggles of Induku, these are being a posted a little tardy.  But anyway, I went up to Baltimore with some friends, and we went to go watch a Ring of Honor taping, which was actually four, hour-long programs worth of segments and matches that needed to be filmed.

It was a good time, as much like baseball, I prefer wrestling shows to be minor league sized, smaller and more niche.  It was actually kind of amusing to me that all these wrestlers’ music themes would hit, and not just myself, but there were a good bit of people who had absolutely no idea of who was going to emerge from the curtains.  Sometimes it would be a familiar face, like Matt Hardy or Steve Corino, but in the case of their regular wrestlers like Jimmy Jacobs or even their own World Champion, Kevin Steen, complete blanks for me.

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This post, as well as the previous post happened only because I tethered my raptop to my cell phone.  While I was very grateful that the rain and thunderstorms held off long enough for me to have my company and parties over the prior two weekends, the long-waiting buildup has been massive.  The hellacious thunderstorms from the night prior apparently did a number on a lot of shit around the Metro Atlanta area, but more pertinent and important to me is the fact that it also apparently fried my cable modem in the process.

I was given the option of waiting an undisclosed amount of time for a technician to come out here, or I could go to my ISP’s customer service center, which is ironically in a ghetto area, propagating the stereotype that black people are irresponsible about paying their phone bills.  If it means that I can get a replacement modem as soon as tomorrow, then it’s off to the ghettos tomorrow, preferably while the sun is still up.

Unfortunately, that means there will no LoLing, no zbs, and frankly, no internet-ing while I have no high-speed internet at my disposal.  Sad face.  🙁

Heat revelations

In the top left corner of the screen are a guy in a red shirt and a guy in a navy blue shirt. That’s my friend James and I, in the first row of the outfield in the first of the three miserable 100+ degree heat games, where the Braves dropped two of three to the Nationals, but hey at least I got to see one win. I have to reiterate that I’ve never felt this kind of hot weather in my entire life; 101-102 maybe, but nothing that so effortlessly climbed well into the 110+ range ever in my entire life.

Saturday’s game’s first pitch temperature was recorded at 111 degrees, but being a 4:05 p.m. game, the shade actually came sooner rather than later, and protected us somewhat. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case today, being a 1:35 p.m. game; although the temperature was “down” to just 108 degrees at first pitch, there was no shade to be found anywhere. Today was the first time in my life I’ve ever felt affected by the heat, in a legitimate detrimental fashion. I found myself feeling lightheaded whenever we took a piss break, once a brief momentary bought of nausea, and there was a point where I stopped sweating because I apparently didn’t have anything left to sweat. Thankfully the park had courtesy water stations, and I drank the equivalent of about six 20 oz. bottles throughout the game. Kind of scary, to be perfectly honest.

Although I know this won’t hold true, but I don’t think I can complain about another 92 degree day again.

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I may just die this weekend

Without question, this is the hottest weather I’ve ever been exposed to in my entire life. And with me planning on going to the two remaining day baseball games where the expected weather is more of the same of this, I seriously think that there is a small chance, that I could die this weekend. That’s really all.

Plant jizz, everywhere

My car is literally green now.  It was way worse in the morning.  I’ve washed all the windows in hopes of tempting Mother Nature karma and triggering some cleansing rain to wash my car before I can wash my car, but I have a feeling it’s not going to work.

It’s 84 fucking degrees in March with pollen counts shattering records.  I fear that this is the summer where it begins to average 102F temperatures, while gas floats around $4 a gallon for months.  I’d snidely say what a great time it is to be alive, but for the current, I actually am not feeling that pessimistic yet.