Okay, is this normal?

I hate to post again so soon after brogging already, but hey, this is the crap why I started brogging in the first place; to share my pointless, menial thoughts with the rest of the world.

So I’m still sitting here at Chic-Fil-A, and I’m looking around, and the place is pretty well occupied, by the same kind of people like me; people sitting by themselves, burning time in other ways than just eating. People reading the paper, some solitary people speaking with other solitary people, from their own respective tables. A few sparse couples, trying to enjoy a relaxing morning with some comfort breakfast, but for the most part, a whole lot of aimless, directionless people, just hanging out at Chic-Fil-A.

Now me, at least I have an excuse; I’m grounded to this plaza until I get my car back, in which then I will GTFO and continue on with the rest of my day, but for the time being, I’m left to wonder, is this seriously how many Americans spend their weekday mornings, when they’re obviously not employed?

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