He is as far above bad weather, as bad weather is beyond us (humans).  Snowpocalypse has descended unto Atlanta, and blanketed this unprepared city in a lovely sheet of white snow.  The roads are unplowed, yet the ambitious, and/or stupid are continuing to go out and wreck their cars and/or abandoning them.  I have full confidence in my own ability to drive in winter weather, but that it is still predicated on some degree of the roads being plowed.  Unfortunately, I don’t have such confidence in everyone else, and their propensity to brake too much, and brake in front of/while on bridges, and cause catastrophe.  Sorry, I just got my car worked on a ton, and I don’t need it getting trashed already.  So needless to say, I’m not going to work today, thus giving me the time to take photos, and make exorbitant brog posts on the interbutts.  There goes eight hours of work that I could really, really use, but I’d rather not have some retard slam their car against mine today.

The news says the city has received five inches of snow.  I went outside and measured the snowfall on the table on my back patio, and I read five and a quarter.  And it’s still coming down a little bit.


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