Pre-order now: My literary contributions to a real sports publication

It would be in my greatest interests, if one day, I could get paid to write about sports for a living. This is about as good as a start for my amateur, unaccredited background, aside from once being an English major in college.

The Maple Street Press 2011 Braves Annual is just that – an annual edition about the Atlanta Braves, to which your truly has contributed some writing to, and this will be available on a fairly wide-spread distribution, mostly to the remote Georgia regions, but available online to anyone who would want to purchase.

I wrote one “main” article, as well as one “light” article for the publication, as well as several reviews for many of the current Atlanta Braves going into 2011. And although it will go uncredited, I also served as an associate editor to some capacity, as I was responsible for grammar and proofreading duties towards the tail end of the editing process, probably when the lead editor discovered how thorough I could be with such a task.

Not that I genuinely think anyone who reads my personal brog would have the least bit of interest of purchasing this, but I’m proud of my contributions to a real publication, and therefore you’re going to have to read about it this time.

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