What really happens to children during a zombie apocalypse

What, you thought they were all safe and comfy at Disneyland while Chris, Jill, Francis, Coach, Ellis and Zoey eradicated the zombies for the sake of humanity?

It’s kind of a no-brainer that kids were never really shown in any danger in zombie games, because of the perceived sensitive nature of such imagery, but take such factors out of play, and it’s assumed that since they’re dumb and frail, they’re simply the first to get wiped out.

Major props to the trailer for Dead Island, which unforgivingly puts together this fine trailer of horror, sadness, and raw defeated emotion, which has more or less sold me on the game, without me really knowing what it’s truly about, the mechanics, or anything else.  And based on what little I have read about it, Dead Island sounds like the perfect one-player game for me to play when not indulging in zbs.

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