I feel like I should write something

Considering it is my birthday and all, but I don’t really have anything substantial to say that I haven’t said in a past birthday before, probably.  Although my day is getting better, probably because I’m simply not in Virginia anymore, and the Willy’s burrito I just consumed for lunch, things aren’t necessarily as chipper as some people might expect for their birthdays to be.

As mentioned, I got home really late last night, and missed an entire day of work.  I’m grateful that my car was okay, and I really just wanted to move forward.  Waking up this morning, I went for a run and did some basic lifts to help prevent me from becoming a monumental fat fuck.  I get into work, just wanting to pass the time through the day, but it turns out the queer-jew that sits behind me is hacking his lungs out.  Perturbed by such a nuisance, I offer him an antihistamine for his allergies, except he explains to me that it’s not allergy, but a cold.  Fuckin’ great.  I hear him hacking away for the next few hours, me getting pissed because it’s loud and obnoxious, and the Starbucks fucked up my free birthday drink and got something that wasn’t no-whip, but no-taste.  I’m debating on forfeiting more work so that queer-jew doesn’t get me sick with his incessant uncovered coughing, but distressed over the fact that I’ve already missed eight hours already due to the airport snafu.  I’m sour.  Everyone around me is seemingly sour.  Not much of a good birthday feeling so far.  I stew.

Then, I find out that queer-jew is leaving early anyway, capitalizing on the corporate negligence that seemingly absolves employees of not being present if they’re going to a doctor’s appointment or something, so I’m delighted to hear that queer-jew will stop bitching about how his diminishing sick time, and by the time I get back to the office, he and his AIDS will be gone.  Now, I can relax my shoulders a bit, and coast through the rest of the day, and hope to have a relaxing dinner with some friends to celebrate this whole birthday thing out on a good note.

Otherwise, not much else to say, bringing in this year.  Not my greatest birthday evar, but at least I’m thankful to be home now.

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