Where the world is headed

Firstly, I’m old.  It’s no longer “I feel old,” it most certainly is “I am old.”

Because I sure as shit don’t want to be considered young, and be lumped into the bullshit mess of humanity that today’s youths are finding acceptable to be growing up with.

Holiday shopping is a depressing endeavor that seems to get worse every year in regards to as it’s a great time to expose one’s self to the legions of mainstream shit floating around in today’s trends and commerce.  I hardly go into shopping malls anymore these days, favoring to inhumanly shop for things online and have things delivered straight to me, but this time of year, it’s sometimes unavoidable to not go places, in order to instantly acquire gifts and wares.  That being said, I found myself in a Spencer’s Gifts, a store I reminisce about having neon lights, and selling stuff more to the Hooter’s restaurants credo: delightfully tacky, yet unrefined.  Now, I’d imagine Spencer’s Gifts probably more operating on a credo of “internet memes, vulgarity, and tasteless shit; if it hooks it, makes money.”

Take for example these belt buckles.  Since when the fuck did belt buckles become popular?  To me, belt buckles always seemed like a redneck Texan kind of gimmick, but even those were overly patriotic or righteous, and not blatantly douchebaggy or just have FUCK as the buckle.  I decided to take the picture that incorporated the douchebag TAPOUT logo, but there were no less than three available styles of FUCK belt buckles for sale, in a store where underage douchebag parents were trolloping around with their own illegitimate bastard offspring.

Much like the PG-13 rating, the word fuck has gone from the king of all cuss words, to just another commonly used, crass, meaningless word of profanity.  It’s used on t-shirts, said in movies, in just about everyone’s commonly used vernacular these days, and now if you wish, you could have it on your belt buckle.  Because nothing says classy like having a gigantic chrome plate that says FUCK on your waist.  And people give me shit for collecting replica wrestling belts; there are far worse things.

Seriously, I’m kind of stumped to where anyone would even wear a FUCK belt buckle?  It wouldn’t be worn to school without someone getting sent home or having it confiscated if discovered.  Aside from shitty douchebag bars I wouldn’t even fathom going to in the first place, there aren’t a whole lot of public places I’d want to be seen wearing this belt buckle.  Even a freak parade like Dragon-Con, would I not feel like a tool, douchebag, and an asshole wearing a FUCK belt buckle.  So why on earth is there a demand to warrant no less than three shitty FUCK belt buckles?

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