Photos: Carolyn & Joe’s Wedding

One by one, I watch as my closest friends all get married while I haven’t had a substantial date in over a  year now.  Que sera, sera.

No matter.  It was a joyous occasion that I got to enjoy the dubious honor of being a groomsman to the wedding of two of my closest friends, having known the bride since the seventh grade, and the groom since the eighth.  Unlike the popular notion that weddings are a drag and that they’re all boring and superficial, on the contrary, I happen to like them very much, even more so if those getting married are my own friends.  It’s always fun to see friends and acquaintances dressed to the nines, and the festive atmosphere which leads to people often putting on their best behavior.  A little bit of class doesn’t hurt nobody, on occasion.

Aside from the ceremony and reception, it was a fun time catching up with a lot of old faces; some of them also other high school chums and one now-professional wrestler.  It was also nice to meet a few new faces and try my best to be charming.  The open bar was a fantastic touch, and I lost track of just how many Yuenglings vanished in my glass.  Oh, and I caught yet another garter; thankfully the girl who caught the bouquet was more than a good sport about playing through a campy tradition than the last time I caught a garter.

My best wishes, always, moving forward to my good friends Carolyn and Joe.  To more comics, more late nights chatting the AM hours away, more weeks talking graphics, radio, careers and the best and worst of life.

And now, the litany of pictures that I took throughout the evening.  Mostly catching people texting or checking NCAA scores, Twitter or Facebook all through the reception.  lols’


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