A pet peeve

Say you’re driving down a very desolate, flat straight road out in the middle of nowhere.  You can see far ahead and far behind you for miles.  You’re also driving with a friend who is driving their own car.  For whatever reason, you wish to drive parallel to your friend, so you hop into the oncoming lane, and begin driving right next to your friend.

Eventually, in the distance you see a car coming.  What do you do?

Obviously, you let off the gas, and get back behind your friend, or space permitting, you apply the gas, and get in front.  Otherwise, you  will end up in a head-on collision, and probably someone ends up dead, or at least severely injured.

If the answer is so simple when it comes to driving cars, why is it so difficult for people to grasp when simply walking?

Roads are all around us, and are not just the black asphalt that our cars drive on.  Bicycle paths are roads.  The hallways to get to the bathrooms are roads.  The paths I walk to and from Starbucks is also a road.  Why people are incapable of applying the laws to vehicle roads to foot roads is completely dumbfounding to me.  It’s really not that difficult to understand.

It’s a pet peeve of mine when I see people walking in a pair, or threes, and have to walk side-by-side to one another, and they don’t exercise courtesy when it comes to moving out of the way of those going the opposite direction of them, in a limited space.

Take up as much of the road as you want for all I care – when it’s empty.  But when there are people headed in the opposite direction, courteously stick to your side and continue smoothly down your directed path.

It’s often said that a group of people is as smart as its dumbest member.  And since the world is full of fucking retards as it is, it’s obvious that people simply don’t understand that people who think like me will not get out of my lane of traffic when walking down any road, because I simply shouldn’t have to.

I don’t fucking get it.  Yes, it’s great that you want to move as a group, and show unity or continue on an enthralling conversation about logistics or cohesion or efficiency, or whatever corporatese these fucking stiffs talk about, but when they’re walking in the opposite path that I am, it would be nice if they could break out of their group blob for just a few seconds and file into some semblance of a line to allow me my lane of traffic without obstruction.  Then beyond me, they can snap back into whatever formation they want, as long as they’re not impeding me any further for all I care.

Dear world – I will not move out of the way, if you are in my lane.  It is courtesy for people to get the fuck out of my lane if they’re in it, not force me to inconvenience myself, in getting around you.  I do not care if you think I’m being rude by not getting out of the way, because my actions are already accusing you of being rude for being in my lane of path.  Now get the fuck out of my lane, bitch.

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