Studies show that people can eat my tits

All throughout my life, I have taken a lot of criticism about how I always look angry.  Are you okay?  Is everything alright?  You look upset/mad/pissed about something.  Most of the time, I really am fine, regardless of the agitated-looking neutral facial appearance I have.  But don’t tell that to the segment of the world that believes that appearances do matter, and I can’t really say I blame them, because often times I think it too.

But it turns out, that those with “aggressive looks” are SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be more generous, selfless and better human beings to their friends and close ones:

…men with angry, violent faces are actually far more likely to makes sacrifices for their close friends.

Well hey, if it was published by the National Institute of Health, it has to be true, right?

So do you hear that? Just because I look pissed doesn’t mean I am upset and homicidal.  I’m generous and selfless and put other people first like a kind and considerate motherfucker.  I’m more likely to be the best friend you never knew you had, if I don’t scare the shit out of you first.

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