Peggy Bundy has aged very well

When Seth Green mentioned Katey Segal during Comedy Central’s Roseanne Roast, and the camera panned over to this voluptuous woman, my first thought was “holy shit, that’s Peggy Bundy?

Growing up as a dedicated Married With Children fan, I never really thought Peggy Bundy was at all that attractive.  I mean I get it, there she was with her bouffant hair and her stretch pants and high heels always accentuating her large bust and shapely figure, but it never did it for me.  I don’t think it really was meant to do it for most guys.  But I could see how some might find the physical features appealing.  I never did.  Maybe it’s because of the successful development of a character that’s supposed to be the ultimate boner-killer that did it for me, but for all intents and purposes, I never found Peggy Bundy that attractive.

However seeing Katey Segal now, 15 years after the last episode of Married With Children aired, I’m kind of like whoa.

To cut to the chase, she’s in total alpha-cougar territory now.  Sleek dark hair instead of the trademark Peggy Bundy bouffant red hair, and the sexy librarian glasses, and a dress that accentuates the obvious fact that she has a rockin’ body and a nice rack.  I don’t really care if she’s had any work done or not, the fact of the matter is that she looks downright hot, today.

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