Why do so many people think they’re above McDonalds?

I’m sitting in my cube, and I overhear some of my co-workers talking about their weekend.  One of them is bitching because he’s concerned that his in-laws are going to make his kids fat, because they went to McDonalds over the weekend.  And then the inevitable statement that he never goes to McDonalds, and that they’re somewhere along the lines of the worst stuff on the face of the planet.

Firstly, his in-laws did what all stereotypical red-blooded, all-American, salt of the earth white grandparents do with their grandkids – spoil them and feed them unhealthy foods.  A trip to McDonalds isn’t going to destroy the health of two toddlers if the everyday parenting is good.

But back to the point, why do so many people think they’re above McDonalds?

Personally, I don’t go to McDonalds, because they’re simply not good for me.  But I’m not going to say that I don’t like their food at all, because it’s completely false.  There are times when I’d love to have a Big Mac or some Chicken McBoots with a side of as many fries as my stomach could house.  That shit is delicious, in the worst sort of way, and I’d be flat out lying if I ever said that McDonalds was the lowest possible denominator on the food chain.  Why so many people seem to think that eating tree bark or live earthworms as a superior option is completely beyond me.

I don’t really get it either.  A part of me think it’s some form of societal snowballing which has led to this reputation that there’s nothing worse on the planet than McDonalds food, which is why so many people have this notion that they’re above McDonalds in general.  Sure, the food’s not the greatest quality in the world, but I’m willing to bet that every single person likes something that is universally considered unpopular by others too.

Sure, McDonalds is pretty crappy food and it’s not good for anyone in excessive quantities. But I’d like to see more people cut back on the hyperbolic hive-minded opinion that it’s akin to AIDS on the list of worst shit on the planet.

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