How I would improve the prison system

Personally, I think today’s prison system is all wrong.  Completely, unequivocally wrong.

Criminals who are killers, rapists, and most often times dangerously violent people, are put into tight quarters with other criminals who are killers, rapists and most often times dangerously violent people.  Now add a whole bunch of weights to lift, equipment to exercise with, and large yards for them to workout in.  Ration their meals to tiny, portion-controlled, bare-minimum nutrient servings.  And if it’s like The Shawshank Redepmtion, have a library and an Andy Dufresne, where prisoners can learn, expand their horizons, and become smarter.

And then after five to ten years of all this, set these motherfuckers free – physically chiseled and hardened, likely smarter, and probably with a whole lot more knowledge from the other prisoners who might have been willing to share their personal knowledge, connections and information.  Send guys back out on the streets way more dangerous than when they were first put in prison.  What a brilliant legal system.

Fuck all that.  If I controlled the world, all of this would be the exact opposite.  I guarantee the world would be a safer place.

It all starts with the food.  Instead of cost-effective portions of low-grade, bare-minimum nutrient-enriched slop, replace all prison menus with nothing but fast food.  Eliminate the need for a kitchen staff outright, and use those salaries towards the daily acquisition of fast food.  McDonald Mondays, Taco Bell Tuesdays, Wendy Wednesdays, Togos Thursdays, Five Guy Fridays, Steak ‘n Saturdays and Sonic Sundays.

Fatten up these prisoners, and do the exact opposite of what modern penal system seems to encourage.  Turn these hard, dangerous prisoners into soft, worthless fat pieces of shit that pose little physical risk to others if they ever make it out of prison, other than the risk of them sitting on you.  And if they’re vegans, fuck them; they can eat fast food, or do the taxpayers a favor and starve and die and be one less mouth they have to pay for.

Next, eliminate all the weights and workout equipment.  There is no reason why criminals hard enough to commit severe crimes need any capabilities to get even harder.  In fact, we want them to go in precisely the opposite direction, so that they become softer, and therefore less dangerous.  As for the yards themselves, it’s impossible to stop any determined prisoners from putting it on themselves to attempt to run and exercise, but it becomes the prison’s responsibilities to enforce portions large enough to be insurmountable to overcome the calories in versus the calories burned.

If the prison has an Andy Dufresne, ambitious enough to try and get books and means of mental escape for the prisoners, take him out back and discreetly murder him, like they murdered the greaser from Shawshank Redemption who was willing to testify for Andy Dufresne.  Prisoners shouldn’t be allowed to read, write, learn, or seek out any form of mental escape through books.  A denial of mental stimuli falls in line with the idea of punishment, as it’s one more freedom that is denied for breaking the law in the first place.

Basically, make prison a place where criminals are essentially transformed into useless, worthless sacks of human shit while incarcerated. It would take a perfect combination of a massive will to preserve, a massive metabolism, and a massive will to exercise in your cell to withstand the fatty food and the denial of weight training.

And if all goes right, then it’s when they’re released from incarceration that their real imprisonment begins – trying to get back to normal living, as a fat worthless dumb sack of shit.  But at least they’ll be significantly less likely to commit violent crimes with dumb brains and the physical incapability to deftly escape when the cops arrive.

It’s what they get for committing crime in the first place.

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