Charles Ramsey just won the internet

I’m know I’m not going to be the only person to use this headline, and typically it’s not often I use my brog to write about current events, but this was all just too much gold to not write something about. And there’s really not a whole lot to write about, because if you watch the video, which I’m pretty sure you’ve already seen because everyone had to have seen it by this point, but it completely speaks for itself.

Charles Ramsey is like, the best person in the world, for at least the next 15 minutes. The world needed Charles Ramsey more than it may have realized right now. God bless the guy.

And because I’m sure that this video will ultimately come down some day, I’m going to quote the best lines after the jump, because if I can’t replace the video, we all need to remember the memorable and notable things that was said by this everyman hero.

I heard screaming. I’m eating my McDonald’s. I come outside. I see this girl goin’ nuts.

You got some big testicles to pull this off, bro!

I barbecued with this dude! We eat ribs and what not, and listen to salsa music!… There’s nothin’ exciting about him. Until today.

I knew somethin’ was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms. Somethin’ is wrong here. Dead giveaway! Deaaaddddd giveaway. Deaaaaadddddddddddddd giveaway. She’s got problems. That’s the only reason she’s running to a black man!


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