Was this really necessary?

Anyone who notices the sites that I link to might notice Me In My Place, which sure, at a cursory glance looks like a pervy site full of girls running around in their underwear.  And I’m not going to deny that I don’t not enjoy seeing girls running around in their underwear, but in all honesty, I like the concept of the site, and as someone who hopefully will show some improvement in photography, I find the site as sort of inspirational as well.

When I look at the site, it’s not because I’m trying to get my jollies, I’m viewing as a fan and admirer of their art.  What kind of twisted person would actually link their personal arousal preferences on their own blog??

I watched Heroes of Cosplay, because I know the Atlanta cast, and naturally because I’m a giant nerd who has also gone to conventions as well as dressed up at them.  And, I figured the show was going to be an entertaining possibility for a train wreck, and depending on whom you ask, and what I hear from scuttlebutt, it kind of was.

Anyway, one of the bright spots of the show, in my opinion, was when they introduced Chloe.  I can’t say that I’m familiar with her background, her web show, etc, but the show tells me she’s a novice trying to gain traction in the scene.  She’s also very attractive and appealing to my aesthetic preferences (read: she’s hot), so naturally, I had no qualms with whenever she was getting screen time.

I’m not concerned about spoiler-alerting Heroes of Cosplay, but the takeaway from the series was essentially being a noob, Chloe was not caught up in “cosplay politics” and the unofficial rules of the scene, and was cleverly depicted as somewhat of an unsung hero to those who didn’t have a wealth of experience or talent, weren’t the most physically convincing as who they did/wanted to dress up as, or people who did it for fun, at the expense of complete accuracy.

It’s safe to say that after the six episodes, Chloe probably came out smelling like roses better than anyone else in that show did.

I came across this parody of Me In My Place, done by Chloe, while perusing through MIMP the other day.  MIMP takes the high road, and pulls out the old “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” card, and goes on about their scheduled business of posting pictures of women in varying states of undress.  However, I can’t help but feel rubbed in the wrong way with Chloe’s parody; it’s not necessarily done with malicious intent, but there’s definitely a feeling of mockery ingrained in it, and basically it just makes me want to ask: was it really necessary?

So Chloe doesn’t agree that MIMP is really “real.”  That’s fine, we’re all entitled to our opinions.  Frankly, I don’t think it’s very real too, and to be perfectly honest, MIMP is kind of formulaic when you’ve been looking at the site for a long time; all the girls seem to do the same types poses, use the same types of settings, there’s often a bedsheet or a tights segment.  But the content remains fresh as long as there are lines of women, whether they’re “normal” girls or those in the celebrity world who are willing to be shot by MIMP.

I like the idea of Chloe I’ve been spoon-fed from the show, but I can’t say that I’m really a fan of this little side project intent on mockery, and as much as she may or may not deny it on forums like Reddit, for attention.  If don’t agree with MIMP, you don’t agree with it; I don’t necessarily think there’s anything to gain by publicly mocking it with a spoof.  It seems kind of well, like an immature approach.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind seeing Chloe running around in her underwear as much as the next heterosexual male does, but I kind of think the point of a spoof was kind of missed here, no matter how much she might defend it.  I get it to a degree, but I can’t agree that this was really entirely an accurate spoof.

Something ironic is that in the aftermath of the TV show, it was naturally ripped to shreds on all sorts of forms of social media.  No thing, no costume and no person was safe from the scrutiny and criticisms, including Chloe.  Naturally, one of the chief things said was that the show was all staged, and yup, fake.  I can’t say I disagree with all accusations, but I’m not going to pretend like I’ve heard or read everything out there, because I simply am not just that vested.  But the bottom line is that there’s a large contingent of people out there that don’t buy into Heroes of Cosplay as being something real or normal.

What I’m ultimately trying to get to, is that there’s a little bit of a pot-calling-kettle going on here with Chloe taking a cheap shot at MIMP, because there are plenty of people that think Chloe and the TV show were just as staged and unrealistic as she thinks MIMP is.  In the end, nobody really cares if they’re all staged and unrealistic, as long they’re entertaining, but let’s at least not be blind to some of the hypocrisy going on here.

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