MARTA really is the stuff of nightmares

Typically, I don’t remember my dreams.  They’ve usually dissipated from my mind by the time I’m at the stage of my morning routine where I’m brushing my teeth, and I’m able to go on with my day as if they never happened.  So suffice to say, it’s somewhat notable (read: something to write about on a slow day) when I actually do manage to remember any of them.

Ironically, given my propensity to take shots at Atlanta’s public transit system, MARTA, it’s kind of fitting that for whatever horrendous reason it may be in my unconscious, I’ve had some recent negatively-connoted dreams where MARTA references were present.  In a way, it’s kind of funny, but at the same time I’d rather frankly not have MARTA on the mind when I’m sleeping; I’d rather be dreaming of like Taylor Swift or Karlie Kloss (or both).

But for the sake of the possibility of entertaining, and since I don’t often remember my dreams too often anyway, I figured I’d write about them.  Thinking back to them, they are kind of funny in sadistic or ironic ways.

The first dream I had was just kind of depressing.  For whatever reason, I had moved into a ground-floor apartment, and I was feeling blue that I wasn’t in my house anymore, for reasons that the dream never got into; in fact, Jen and I were still living together, moving into this depressing apartment.  It didn’t much space, and there was the possibility that we were going to have to share one room to put our beds, and I feared for my general impending lack of space.

However the dream took a dark turn, when we looked out the back window, and saw that within 20 feet of where we were stood, was the entrance way to a MARTA station.  Prior to, we had been trying to be optimistic of our diminished personal space, and how we were trying to look at the bright side to our new living conditions.  But all of this hope became dashed the instant we saw our proximity to a MARTA station.  We tried, tried, to look at the bright side to living so close to a MARTA station, what with the ability to reduce car transportation, but the harrowing reality of what comes with close proximity to a MARTA station was too much to overcome.

This dream more or less ended with us staring with dread and depression at the MARTA station too close for comfort to our living accommodations, but it was no less a nightmare looking back at it.

The second dream however, was pretty much straight Michael Bay, with the world going apocalyptic before my very eyes.  For whatever reason, Atlanta was not a landlocked city, and MARTA was capable of actually moving in a curve, and I was riding on it.  Visualizing what was in my head, it was probably a lot more like riding the L trains in Chicago, since we were elevated way off the ground, but it was undoubtedly MARTA.

But I recollect looking out the window and seeing a gigantic tsunami wave emerging from the water, and the collective gasp of myself and all the people riding on the train watching it happen right in front of us.  As the wave came crashing down, there was sheer horror watching it plow into the people on the ground that obviously were incapable of escaping from nature’s wrath, and shove them into cars and other unyielding objects, undoubtedly severely injuring or killing them.

Riding on a train in motion, there’s no time to stop and watch to see if everything happening, as we kept moving along.  Before there was any time to wonder if this was just an environmental aberration, suddenly there were cannons firing at, and destroying the tracks behind us, causing massive tremors on the train, before it ultimately fell off the tracks.

This was one of those moments where the sheer absurdity of the dream woke me up, where I noticed that the clock was somewhere within the 4 A.M. hour.  But instead of getting a reset on the dream world, it picked up in time not long after the world began to go crazy, and I found myself in a position of extreme caution, feeling questionable of every single person around me, because the world was beginning to lose itself, and there was no telling whom around me were going to go off the deep end and go Last of Us on everyone around them.

The point remains, MARTA was present in both of these recent dreams, with both of them being somewhat within the realm of negative juju.  I don’t necessarily know what it means, but I guess I should stay away from MARTA for a little bit.

Not that that’s difficult by any stretch of the imagination in the first place, especially now that I know that people pee in the elevators I don’t use, but still, I’d rather be away from public urination as much as possible, pls.

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