Sing along, now

Despite the fact that I curse fairly liberally when I feel that it’s appropriate, I don’t really want a bigass F-bomb graphic to sit so prominently on the brog facing front. So as lame as it may seem, I’m taking the discretion to mosaic it up and save the real one for the jump, although it’s pretty obvious what it might be, given the allusion and the fact that I may not have mosaic’d it up too harshly.

Anyway, most anyone who’s ever played a Sega Genesis has heard this, the Sega logo splash for Sonic the Hedgehog. If not, click the link and indulge in a six-second clip to understand the rest of this post.

Often times, whenever I hear something I don’t like, this is the phrase that comes to mind, and occasionally comes from my mouth. Rarely is it ever just the words themselves, but sung out like the Sega logo splash. It works pretty well, considering much like the original, it’s just two syllables.

And since I’m the most creative person on the planet, and there’s no possibly way someone’s thought of this before me, the thought occurred to me to put into visualization, the audio queue of such a short and succinct phrase.

So now hopefully, if you’re not someone who already idealizes this phrase like I do, you’ll consider it now. And if you do, that whenever you do use this phrase, you’ll now have a visual representation of the words, and you’re hopefully singing along with it, be it within your own head and imagination, whispered under your breath, or perhaps playfully mockingly amongst comfortable company.

This is the kind of content the brog is subject to when I’m stuck at home on account of inclimate weather. I’m pretty sure the impetus for this creation and the eventual post was a discussion of thinking about attempting to go outside and drive somewhere despite the fact that the hilly road in front of my house was an entire sheet of ice.

Of course, now that I’m just about done with this, I realize that I probably should have made an animated gif of it as well.

Maybe that’ll be the next snow day, or maybe later today, who knows.

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