Would you like to take a survey???

I remember a lot of weird things.  This really shouldn’t be that big of a surprise to anyone much less my six readers.

But anyway, I was thinking about old email surveys.  You know, the ones that circulated between circles and groups of friends, more frequently, when everyone was loosely associated and nobody was really tight.  The ones meant to look comprehensive and broad, and give people an opportunity to share too little or too much personal information; but were really a giant smokescreen for one or two intimate questions present to weed out the relationship status/promiscuity of an individual.

Yeah, those types of email surveys.  I remember those, and always kind of enjoyed putting too much thought into the dumb little questions like “what’s your dream car?” and “if you could meet a famous person dead/alive who would it be?” to see who might understand my humor and not be so hellbent on the question of my relationship status being “Single.” one word and a period to put a stern emphasis on how discontent that answer makes me.

However, ultimately the point of this post was not one of “QQ i’m single and miserable” but of something that to this day makes me smirk and chuckle in fond reminiscence.  It was a question in one of these tacky old email surveys that circulated between a circle of mine, that was answered in a way that made me bust out laughing, and spit out the coffee that I wasn’t presently drinking.  Such a tiny detail, yet I still remember it to this day, and I must disclaim with the phrase “no homo.”

The question was “what’s the first thing you touch every morning?” and the answer this particular person gave was “my big black cock.”  BAHAHAAHAHA.  It’s funny because this person is neither black nor has a cock, much less a big one.  It’s also funny because it was not an answer I was expecting, regardless of the fact that I hardly knew them.

But with that kind of dark humor (no pun intended), they seemed like a person I would like to know.  And the good thing is that I still know this person today, and still communicate with them on a somewhat normal basis as friends; but in the back of my mind, I wonder if they remember this dorky survey, much less putting in such a big black answer.

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