Oh, Georgia vol. 84

Long story short: A DeKalb County community, concerned with the seemingly increasing numbers of poisonous snake sightings in their neighborhood, has decided to authorize a plan of releasing numerous non-venomous snakes into the neighborhood.  The rationale is that artificially increasing the overall snake population in the neighborhood will create competition and ultimately drive copperheads away.

Long story shorter: Neighborhood plans to release a bunch of snakes into area where there are already a bunch of snakes.  Snakes everywhere now.

Thank the fuck god I don’t live in DeKalb County, and cross DeKalb County off of my list of potential future residences.  The last place on earth I’d ever want to live is in a community that uses snakes to combat a snake problem.

The problem is that even if the copperheads are driven away, the entire community is still infested with other snakes, and with nature being what it is, they’re going to breed, and their population is going to grow.  Your average person isn’t aware of the visual differences between a venomous and non-venomous snake, and they’re going to freak the fuck out when they spot a snake in their yard, regardless of what species it is, and if it’s bite is poisonous or not.

Or, a truly truly scientific worst-case scenario will occur, and it’ll be like the story of the Burmese python running into the African python in the Everglades, and breeding out some new super species of python that grows to like 100 feet long, can do calculus, and operate a stick-shift vehicle.  The snakes released by DeKalb will mate with the copperheads and create some freaky hybrid snake that remains venomous and their numbers grow to make DeKalb County itself into a snake-infested quarantine zone.

It’ll be like the plot of a SyFy original movie, but the carnage and casualties would be real.  Sometimes, when human lives are at stake, we as human beings need to stop being so ecological and do what it takes to protect human life.

/mic drop

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