Looks like someone should’ve watched some more Dual Survival

Long story short: Chef dies after decapitated cobra head bites his hand.

One of the many field skills that I retained that will in all likelihood never apply to me from watching Dual Survival, is the knowledge that the heads of decapitated venomous snakes are capable of biting down and injecting venom, for a long period of time after beheading.

Sounds like Chef Peng Fan wasn’t so aware of this knowledge.

Think about how much it sucks to have chopped a snake’s head off, which for all intents and purposes has killed the unfortunate reptile.  But then while consolidating all its guts and skin and whatever discarded parts, preparing to toss it into the waste bin, chef’s hand gets a little too close to the severed head, and by sheer force of reflex, it snaps down and injects lethal venom into him.

Talk about a true “if I’m going down, I’m taking you with me” kind of story here.

When this scenario was brought up in Dual Survival, Joe Teti took a severed cobra’s head, practically impaled on a stick to demonstrate just how hard a decapitated snake’s head can bite down, and buried it about 50 yards away and underneath a rock, before leaving the premises.

Maybe if Chef Peng watched some Dual Survival every once in a while, he wouldn’t be dead right now.  Que sera, sera.

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