The world is an obviously vapid place

At times, I clearly live under a rock.  And/or, I don’t watch enough daytime television or something.  But recently, I began hearing about the phrase “dad bod,” and suddenly I can’t stop hearing about dad bods.

Long story short is that I think it’s stupid, I hope it goes away quickly, and that it absolutely affirms society’s vapid obsession with the physical.  It’s a clear double-standard, because it basically says that it’s okay for men to be fat lazy fucks, but women are pressured to become as hot as they can if they want any chance of success in the world.

Frankly, I could blather on for 500 words or more on the topic, but Jon Stewart and Kristen Schaal hit the nail on the head pretty succinctly on their own, and I see no need for it.

My bottom line is that I may be closer to a dad bod than not, but if it were up to me, I’d be closer to getting away from a dad bod than letting go of all restraint and dedication to physical fitness and ending up with one, just to be a flavor of the month.  This shit is frankly kind of insulting to men, and I can’t say I’d have any respect for others who voluntarily try to feed the machine and take part in this bullshit trend.

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